In 1859 when Ipswich was still part of the colony of New South
Wales, it already boasted its own bi-weekly newspaper
“The Ipswich Herald”.
The first Mayor of the municipality of Ipswich was Alderman
John Murphy.
In 1861 “The Ipswich Herald” was renamed “The Queensland Times”
to reflect the area’s growing economic and strategic importance
and the hope that Ipswich would one day become the capital of
the colony of Queensland.
The town of Ipswich had progressed so much that by 1904 the
municipality was proclaimed a City on 1 December of that year.
The new City of Ipswich was led by Mayor Hugh Reilly.
Horse drawn bread carts were used in Ipswich to the 1950s.
Wine making flourished in Ipswich from around the 1879s to 1900s.
More recently, it has become popular again.
In the 1870s, the Toongarra Winery at One Mile stored around 20,000
gallons and employed 40 men during the harvest. The Irwin Brothers
at Warrill Creek made Warilla Wine that won awards in both Australia
and America.
In 1887, the Ipswich Gasworks was opened. The framework of the
large gasometer or storage tank can still be seen today on the north
bank of the Bremer River at Riverlink Shopping Centre.
The Queensland Times was the first business to install an electric
motor with the newly provided electricity supply on 22 September
Ipswich is Queensland’s oldest municipality.
Ipswich’s floral emblem is Eucalyptus curstisii (changed from the initial
choice of bougainvillea) and the faunal emblem is the Brush-tailed
Rock-wallaby (Petrogale penicillata).
12 Ipswich 150: 1860 – 2010
Proud Past - Exciting Future