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  1. City Operational Plan 2023–2024 2023-2024IPSWICH CITY COUNCIL ■ CITY ... (PDF, 733k)

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/242912/CityOperationalPlan2023-2024.pdf Explore

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    21 Jun 2023: 2. We provide outstanding customer service. We make it easier to interact with. ... 5. We meet our State Government legislation, Local Law and compliance obligations and.

  2. 30 June, 2022 Record Ipswich budget drives flood recovery ... (PDF, 272k)

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0014/231260/ICC-Media-release-Record-Ipswich-budget-drives-flood-recovery-and-first-class-services.pdf Explore

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    29 Jun 2022: We are exercising tight controls over spending, while focusing investment in critical areas such as flood. ... We will spend a total of $78 million maintaining, upgrading and expanding our road network.

    by Shane Currie
  3. 2024 PROGRAM Ipswich.qld.gov.au/sustainability http://Ipswich.qld.gov.au http://Ipswich.qld.gov.au/sustainability MAYOR’S MESSAGESustainable Ipswich is ... (PDF, 4243k)

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/259284/Sustainable-Ipswich-2024_Program_FINAL.pdf Explore

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    28 Aug 2024: You might even be interested in hosting a stall yourself. See Quibblemarket.my.canva.site. ... Chat to council’s Emergency Management team during a pop-up event. ONLINE HUB.

  4. Council ‘kicks up its heels’ by extending CMC Rocks sponsorship

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2024/council-kicks-up-its-heels-by-extending-cmc-rocks-sponsorship Cached Explore

    31 May 2024: CMC Rocks is an iconic Queensland event with people travelling from all over Australia and the world to see the biggest country music stars, and to kick up the Willowbank dust ... said. “We are continuing to supercharge our events calendar each year

  5. Frequently Asked Questions Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve, Chuwar 11 ... (PDF, 843k)

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/238305/20230110-Colleges-Crossing-FAQs.pdf Explore

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    1 Feb 2023: WHAT WORKS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED? - Clean-up of debris such as soil and waste. - ... WHAT WORKS ARE COMING UP AND WHEN? The site is currently being assessed to provide Council with a clear understanding of our options.

    by Madeline Ferguson
  6. It is bilbies not bunnies this Easter for this young Ipswich fundraiser

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2023/it-is-bilbies-not-bunnies-this-easter Cached Explore

    6 Apr 2023: We really depend on individuals across Australia just doing their little part to help save the bilbies,” Mr Mucci said. ... Through Save the Bilby Fund, the Queensland Government, and the ZAA Species Management Program, bilbies are being released into

  7. State Government supports Ipswich as flood recovery begins

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2022/state-government-supports-ipswich-as-flood-recovery-begins Cached Explore

    1 Mar 2022: We were pleased Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Queensland’s State Disaster Management Group visited some of our hardest impacted residents as Ipswich begins a massive recovery effort after flood waters impacted ... We have many homes inundated and

  8. Council turns the tide on dumped trolleys in watery grave

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2020/council-turns-the-tide-on-dumped-trolleys-in-watery-grave Cached Explore

    22 Dec 2020: Following several community requests and complaints about the number of shopping trolleys accumulating in the Bremer River below the bridge at Riverlink, council engaged a river clean-up crew to remove ... Council currently has a significant focus on

  9. Welcome to the first edition of Community Matters for ... (PDF, 1070k)

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/240832/Divisional_Newsletter_April_16pp_A4_web.pdf Explore

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    13 Apr 2023: CLEAN-UP OF FLOOD DEBRIS NEARS COMPLETION. Monthly free live events have returned to the outdoor stage in Ipswich Central for Tunes in Tulmur. ... May. The massive clean-up task involved clearing away more than 570 items of debris across the city.

  10. Manson Park (PDF, 25k)

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/8569/american_war_cemetery.pdf Explore

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    1 Sep 2005: During World War II, many American servicemen died or were killed in Australia or the surrounding area. ... To exhume the bodies, 190 Australian civilians, said to be mainly cane-cutters, were employed.

    by Tanya Jen Keywords: Manson Park, World War II, War Cemetery, History, Ipswich

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