Ebenezer Regional Industrial Area (ERIA) is a future industrial area for South East Queensland. Catalyst infrastructure to enable an employment-generating industrial precinct at Ebenezer will support national supply chains, Inland Rail, and the proposed Ebenezer Intermodal Terminal. This investment will unlock 3,500 full time equivalent jobs across diversely skilled and high-value industries including manufacturing, transport, postal and warehousing and provide critical trunk infrastructure to nearby residential expansion areas.

Ebenezer Regional Industrial Area Factsheet (PDF, 724.7 KB)


The realisation of an employment precinct at ERIA requires two related investments:

  1. Deliver catalytic trunk infrastructure to the Ebenezer Regional Industrial Area
  2. Deliver the Ebenezer Intermodal Terminal.

About the Ebenezer Regional Industrial Area

Why is this project important?

Benefits to Ipswich:

  • Activate employment-generating industrial land
  • Unlock employment and business opportunities
  • Support local access to national supply chains
  • Support economic productivity
  • Provide trunk infrastructure to nearby residential expansion areas.

Benefits to South East Queensland:

  • Over $1,428m p.a. in increased economic output (2041)
  • Over 3,500 additional FTE jobs for Ipswich in 2041
  • Direct access to national supply chains and markets
  • Improved access to employment and skills development
  • Increased private sector investment.

If we do nothing:

  • Employment containment in Ipswich will decline from 77% (2016) to 44% (2041)
  • No local benefit from Inland Rail
  • Liveability impacts due to residents exiting LGA for work.
  • Reduced economic self-sufficiency.

Success to date

Council delivered a Social and Economic Impact and Benefits Study for this project in 2020. This was provided to state and national counterparts to inform investigations as part of the Business Case for Brisbane Inland Rail Intermodal Terminal which is underway.

What's next

This project is under investigation by State and Federal agencies in association with Inland Rail planning for the Calvert to Kagaru section of Inland Rail.

Further information can be found via council’s Inland Rail page, the Inland Rail website, and the Business Case for Brisbane Inland Rail Intermodal Terminal study.