IYAC has now commenced for 2025. If you would like to participate, we are happy to take late arrivals. To talk further about IYAC or submit an application, please email youth@ipswich.qld.gov.au or call (07) 3810 7437.
Ipswich Youth Advisory Council Application Form 2025 (PDF, 453 KB)
Ipswich Youth Advisory Council comprises young people aged between 13-18 years who come together to have a voice for raising issues and sharing ideas that affect young people.
IYAC aims to:
- increase civic participation by our youth community
- develop young people’s knowledge of the issues that affect them at a Federal, State, and Local Government level
- provide an opportunity to work collaboratively in a team with other young people to affect real change
- provide a voice for young people in relation to council issues, strategies and plans
- establish strong connections with the Ipswich City Council and elected officials
- extend the leadership potential of young people in Ipswich through collaboratively learning
- provide an increased understanding of community issues, planning, policy and decision-making processes to young people.
The IYAC team meets monthly, with members serving an initial one-year term and can seek re-appointment for a subsequent term.
Council objectives:
- Report to council and provide appropriate advice, information and feedback on matters relevant to young people
- Provide a forum for young people to meet regularly and express their views on issues affecting them and their peers
- Provide a space for young people to bring forward their issues that directly affect them and inform council representatives of these issues
- Develop strategies and projects that improve opportunities for young people and others in the community
- Provide opportunities for young people to contribute to civic life
- Develop new networks with other young leaders.
What is involved?
The 2025 IYAC program involves:
- up to 10 meetings throughout the year (face to face and online)
- optional participation in a Youth Conference and sub meetings
- optional participation in a range of civic community events.
- engaging in between meetings on the online forum, Shape Your Ipswich (participation optional).
Who can be an IYAC member?
Ipswich City Council welcomes Ipswich young people between the age of 13-18 years who attend school in Ipswich and are eager to make a positive difference in their local community.
More Information
For more information contact Ipswich City Council on (07) 38107437 or email youth@ipswich.qld.gov.au