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Bundamba Creek is part of the Bremer River Catchment. It begins its life to the east of Flinders Peak, flowing north through Ripley valley, Silkstone Raceview and Bundamba before flowing into the Bremer River north of Booval. On its way, the creek flows through urban residential areas, old coalfields and agricultural lands, each of which present different challenges.
A healthy creek relies heavily on the presence of native vegetation along its banks. Creek bank vegetation or riparian vegetation improves the quality of water by filtering any excess nutrients and toxic sediments, increases plant and animal diversity and provides soil stability during potential flood vents.
Over the years, Bundamba creek which stretches approximately 30 km in length, has lost a considerable amount of its riparian vegetation as a result of past land uses and increasing urban developments.
With the assistance of the Bremer River Fund and the International River Foundation, over 400 Ipswich volunteers have planted more than 4,500 native plants along the banks of the Bundamba Creek.
The The Bundamba Creek Corridor Plan provides detailed information on the history of Bundamba Creek and the common vision for the catchment in line with future development affecting the catchment.
Bundamba Creek Corridor Plan (PDF, 14.2 MB)
Protecting the health of Bundamba Creek by planting native trees along creek banks will provide a safe refuge for wildlife and enable them to utilise resources important to their survival such as food and water.
The local plants and wildlife of Bundamba Creek provide an opportunity for community members to connect to nature and improve general well-being by enjoying recreational and fitness activities such as bird-watching, fishing, bushwalking and jogging.
Did you know that over recent years there have been numerous reported platypus sightings at Bundamba Creek from community members and Council maintenance officers? Council investigations and surveys will soon be underway to determine the extent of these exciting and rare wildlife events.
You can find out more in the Platypus animal profile:
Platypus animal profile (PDF, 113.6 KB)
Local plants and animals that you can find in and around Bundamba Creek, or even nearby at your home, include the:
White Bellied Sea Eagle (PDF, 108.5 KB)
Crimsonspotted Rainbowfish (PDF, 139.4 KB)
Weeping Bottlebrush (PDF, 145.5 KB)
There are a number of bird species, some of which are quite rare and beautiful. The birdlife of Bundamba Creed carries out important ecosystem processes by pollinating and dispersing seeds for new plant growth. Birds in your backyard can benefit you by controlling weeds and pest insects.
Thanks to the support of experienced local bird watcher Margaret Cameron you can now view a Bundamba Creek bird species list and survey map.
Bird Survey Areas Map (PDF, 215.0 KB)
Bundamba Creek Bird Survey Results 2013 (PDF, 153.2 KB)
Birdlife Australia provide information on survey results and news updates, visit
Ipswich Council has been looking strategically at the Bundamba Creek Catchment identifying its values, threats and opportunities.
Working with many different organisations on current and future management; we are hoping to use, protect and enhance the creek for many years to come.
The lower part of Bundamba catchments has been 'built out' or developed some time ago. It is mainly urban with some light industry and urban parkland. Here we are looking to improve the resilience of the creek to flood and surface water pollution
The mid catchment is currently low level residential and agricultural/grazing grass lands however pre European settlement it would have been a combination of forested land and wetlands. The clearing of the land has changed the creek's behaviour and shape. In the Ripley Valley area development has been planned over the next 20-30 years. This change in land use will again influence the behaviour and the shape of the creek and the amounts and speeds of water entering the system change.
Ipswich City Council encourages Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD). This is a process of design that tries to minimise potentially detrimental impacts of developments on our catchments using water management techniques that mimic natural processes.
The upper catchment remains open agricultural and grazing land. Whilst pressures and threats are different to those in built or developing areas they are still present. Clearing for grazing or agriculture can destabilise soils and banks and alter flows. Grazing animals can also cause turbidity and erode banks whilst run off from agriculture contains high levels of nutrients which can cause eutrophic algal blooms.