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As part of council’s Enviroplan initiative there are a number of partnerships available between landholders and council. These partnerships encourage and assist Ipswich’s landholders to manage, enhance and protect ecosystems in order to conserve flora and fauna on their properties.
To apply for the Habitat Gardens partnership:
To apply for any other partnership type, please complete the Expression of Interest Form.
This is an urban partnership designed to help people with smaller blocks to make a positive contribution to Ipswich’s environmental outcomes.
Eligibility criteria
Properties can be any size and in any Planning Scheme or Nature Conservation zone. Properties that are in Habitat Gardens are ineligible for other partnerships.
Landholder report
Once a Habitat Gardens member reaches the end of the five-year agreement, a report on their progress and feedback on the program is required for acquittal.
You can fill in the Habitat Gardens Landholder Report through the online survey or email the report document (PDF, 990.1 KB) (along with required images) to
Land for Wildlife is an established program supported by many councils in South-East Queensland that helps private landholders who voluntarily protect and enhance habitat for native wildlife on their properties. It provides recognition for landholders committed to conserving the environment.
This is the only program permitted to be registered alongside Corridor Conservation Agreement, Biodiversity Conservation Agreement or the Voluntary Conservation Covenant on the same property.
Eligibility criteria
Properties must have an agreement area of more than 1 hectare to participate. Properties can be within any Planning Scheme zone. Properties are evaluated for vegetation values and condition. Council partners with landowners who have an existing commitment to protecting intact vegetation, and can demonstrate a future management intent.
The Biodiversity Conservation Agreement is suited for landowners with a commitment to a high level of protection through the Ipswich Planning Scheme zones for intact vegetation.
Eligibility criteria
Properties need to provide an agreement area more than 1 hectare to participate and will be assessed for their vegetation values and condition. Council partners with landowners who have an existing commitment to protecting intact vegetation, and can demonstrate a future management intent.
Properties must also be within specified zones:
The Corridor Conservation Agreement is suited for landowners with a commitment restoring fragmented landscapes or waterway corridors.
Eligibility criteria
Any size property can participate, but will be assessed for environmental values and condition. Council partners with landowners who have an existing commitment to protecting intact vegetation or enhance existing vegetation, and can demonstrate a future management intent.
Properties can be within any Planning Scheme Zone, but must be within one of the Natural Environment Strategy zones - regional corridor areas, high ecological significance wetlands, locally significant priority species habiat, core habitat, priority urban biodiversity corridor/nodes and mapped waterways and riparian corridors.
The Conservation Covenant is a permanent protection mechanism through the Land Titles Act in perpetuity for intact vegetation and restoration areas within strategic areas of high conservation significance.
Eligibility criteria
The area covered by the agreement must be greater than 1ha. Properties will be assessed for their vegetation and/or waterway values and condition. Council partners with landowners who have an existing commitment to protecting intact vegetation and/or restoring fragmented landscapes, and can demonstrate a future management intent.
The terms of the Agreement will be developed in alignment with the zone of your property according to the Ipswich Planning Scheme and the management objectives according to the Natural Environment Strategy.
These will be property specific agreements and may be different depending on the below criteria.
Properties must also be within specified zones: