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The Enviroplan Levy is funded by ratepayers of Ipswich. Council uses the funds to implement the Ipswich Enviroplan Program and its associated projects and initiatives that protect and maintain vital ecosystems and natural environmental values.
The levy provides funding for a range of initiatives, programs and projects that protect and maintain vital ecosystems and natural environmental values, including:
The levy assists in the delivery of the strategy’s actions through a range of activities that protect and maintain vital ecosystems and natural environmental values.
The Ipswich Enviroplan Program is guided by the Natural Environment Policy (PDF, 399.4 KB), which provides direction for decision-making, prioritisation and implementation actions.
Ipswich City Council has adopted the Ipswich Enviroplan Policy (PDF, 407.3 KB), which informs the allocation of revenue generated from the levy and outlines the management of funding through Enviroplan.
As of April 2024, the Enviroplan Levy has funded the purchase of 76 land parcels comprising a total of 5970.8 hectares which has been set aside for nature conservation. Over a 28 year period, about $12.69 million of Enviroplan funds has been invested in purchasing land.
The Ipswich Enviroplan Annual Progress Report showcases the achievements for each financial year
Current report
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