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Graffiti is identified as a criminal act punishable under wilful damage offences in the Queensland Criminal Code Act. Graffiti is defined as writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place and is unpleasant to see and known to make an area, suburb or neighbourhood feel unsafe and unruly. Graffiti tagging and vandalism costs Queensland's local councils millions of dollars each year - these are funds that would otherwise be spent on providing local projects like parks, walk ways and improved roads.
Ipswich City Council is committed to the rapid removal of graffiti throughout the city and all incidents of graffiti on council assets that are reported to council will be removed within ten days, with graffiti of an offensive nature being removed within one day. This rapid, zero-tolerance response makes offenders likely to stop targeting your area.
To deter or prevent graffiti attacks consider employing some techniques around your home or business such as: planting gardens or hedges instead of erecting fencing and if you must use fencing consider the type of fence. A wooden fence will attract offenders whereas a mesh fence would be harder to graffiti.
The longer graffiti is exposed to the public eye, the more gratification an offender will receive for their offences. Graffiti offenders have no regard for private or communal property. If graffiti does occur on your personal property or home it is therefore important to make sure it is cleaned as soon as possible.
Ipswich City Council is committed to providing all residents of Ipswich an easy way to remove graffiti from their property if they do become a victim:
Should you wish to report graffiti or vandalism to council assets, please:
For further information on Council's free graffiti removal kits or to book the graffiti removal trailer contact council on (07) 3810 6666.