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The Ipswich City Council Safe City Program commenced in 1994 to address unacceptable levels of behaviour and crime in the Ipswich central business district. A major component of this initiative was the introduction and use of public safety surveillance cameras in popular open spaces. The cameras are proactively engaged by professional operators who detect suspicious behaviour or incidents that may threaten the safety of the public. The program continues to expand, with the camera network installed in fifteen suburbs and further expansions proposed in the coming years.
The Ipswich City Council Safe City monitoring facility is centrally located in the CBD, operating seven days per week, twenty-four hours per day, with the ability to stream live video footage to the Queensland Police Service.
The two primary aims of the Ipswich Safe City Program are:
The Ipswich City Council Safe City monitoring facility includes over three hundred public safety surveillance cameras across the Ipswich region. The monitoring facility often collaborates with a range of agencies in an effort to work hand-in-hand to assist in addressing strategies for community safety and policing. Such approaches include:
Safe City cameras are only installed in public spaces where public safety/crime is a proven concern and where infrastructure and technology permits. As a guide, cameras do not monitor residential homes or areas. All cameras are of a standard that ensures they are fit for purpose.
To ensure we meet our privacy obligations, there are strict policies, procedures and training requirements in place. We also provide privacy collection notices at camera locations. An example of the signage can be found here:
Safety Cameras Signage (PDF, 26.0 KB)
Safe City often detects incidents that are about to occur and responds by alerting police:
Triple Zero (000)
If you need Police, Fire or Ambulance in an emergency call triple zero (000).
When should you call triple zero (000)
What happens when you call triple zero (000)
For more information visit
Contact Policelink on 131 444 to report non-urgent property crime and non-urgent incidents (24 hours, 7 days).
Examples where you may wish to contact police when it is not an emergency:
Remember, no matter how trivial your information may seem, please pass it on as it may provide valuable information to police.
Safe City Factsheet (PDF, 429.0 KB)
For further information regarding Safe City or relating to operation of the Safe City cameras please contact Ipswich City Council on (07) 3810 6666.