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This year’s summit is being held at the Ipswich City Council building in the Nicholas Street Precinct on Tuesday 10 September 2024. The full day summit is for students in grades 4, 5 & 6 in the Ipswich area. The event focuses on sparking sustainability projects at school and home.
The theme for this year’s summit is ‘Change Makers’. It will focus on the different ways we can lead change, from representative leadership, through to narrative and storytelling.
For more information about the event please contact the Enviroed Officer on 07 3810 6196 or email
This year’s summit is being held at the Ipswich Civic Centre on Wednesday 11 October, 2023.
The full day summit is for students in grades 4, 5 & 6 in the Ipswich area and focuses on helping to spark sustainability projects at home and at school.
The theme for this year’s summit is ‘Impact’ with a particular focus on the skills we need to lead change. Participants will hear from other school students about a range of sustainability projects and how they can inspire their fellow students to work together in improving sustainability outcomes.
This year’s summit will be led by students themselves to share projects they have been working on. There will also be other local guests, presenters and hands-on workshops and interactive experiences.
There will be an opportunity to explore and reflect on the ideas presented on the day and have time to begin to develop a sustainability project.
Program outline
The annual Youth Sustainability Summit is for primary school students in the Ipswich area and focuses on helping to spark sustainability projects at home and at school.
The theme for the 6th annual summit is Working Together for a Brighter Future with a particular focus on student leadership.
Participants will hear from other school students about a range of sustainability projects and how they can take practical steps to starting a project.
This year’s summit will be led by students themselves to share projects they have been working on. There will also be other local guests, presenters and hands-on workshops.
There will be an opportunity to explore and reflect on the ideas presented on the day and have time to begin to develop a sustainability project.
The theme was Small Actions Lead to Big Things, with a particular focus on student leadership.
Students heard from other young people about a range of sustainability projects and decided how they could take practical steps to start a project at home or school.
Themes and presenters included:
Educational Resources
Council provides several learning resources for schools on waste, sustainability and the environment. Topics include:
Access the resources here.
To ensure a COVID safe experience, the 2020 program was delivered online with a range of options for schools to participate. Themes included the screening of Plastic Alarm, a livestream session with special guests Costa and Plastic Free Boy, a classroom bin challenge and a range of educational resources that can be accessed here.
The 2019 Youth Sustainability Summit was held for Year 4 and 5 primary school students and pinpointed how we can live with zero waste. Special guest Plastic Free Boy spoke to the students about plastic waste being harmful to animals in the oceans and how they could be a part of the solution. Workshops also showed how an old t-shirt could become a handy re-usable bag, how to sort our recyclables correctly to reduce waste and a brainstorming session for students to examine sustainable projects they could implement at their school.
We congratulate those students and schools who have implemented some of the projects developed at the summit.
In 2018, over 400 students participated in the Youth Sustainability Summit, focusing on how they can help change the world and live more sustainably at home and at school. Workshops covered creating fashion items from what you have at home, learning about erosion and how to manage it, the wildlife living in our local backyards and more.
The inaugural Youth Sustainability Summit, run for students in the Ipswich area, was held from 12-13 October 2017. The summit was a key commitment of Council’s Sustainability Strategy. More than 200 students walked away from the summit feeling empowered to make a difference and returned home with ideas for the future. The summit focused on sustainability starting at home, with special guests and workshops. Students had the chance to understand, discuss and develop sustainability projects, innovations or ideas.
“The presenters were very passionate and energetic. The hands-on activities linked well with the Australian curriculum.The gift bags were extremely generous.Everyone had an enjoyable day.Thank you“ - St Peters Lutheran College (Springfield)