Ipswich City Council's Local Laws are listed below, click on the titles for further information including current, amending and previous versions and any subordinate local laws.

#NameStatus Last Amended
1 Administration Other 1 November 2019
3 Commercial Licensing Other 1 November 2019
4 Permits Other 1 November 2019
5 Parking Other 26 July 2024
6 Animal Management Other 1 November 2019
7 Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads Other 1 November 2019
8 Nuisances and Community Health and Safety Other 1 November 2019
49 Protection of Important Vegetation (formally Vegetation Management) Other 1 November 2019

Latest Local Law Review News
In preparing for the implementation of the new planning scheme, a consistency review was completed to see what, if any, key changes may need to be made to council’s local laws to ensure that regulatory functions are not impacted. You can read about this review, its progress and timeline on council’s Shape Your Ipswich

Strategic Regulation Project
Council have identified the need to undertake a comprehensive review of our current local laws. With this review comes the opportunity to take a holistic view of regulation and how, as a council and a city, we can truly strive for the community vision of a city of opportunity for all. The Strategic Regulation Project will take place between January 2025 to late 2026, and involves community consultation at certain points within 3 key steps:

  • Step 1 involves updating our Compliance and Enforcement Policy to be more holistic on what council’s position on regulation is.
  • Step 2 involves council focusing internally to update our process for making local laws ensuring a more contemporary approach.
  • Step 3 involves creating a new suite of local laws to replace our existing ones.

For further information on the project and to find out how to be involved, please head to Shape Your Ipswich.