Located 40 km west of Brisbane, Ipswich has a proud history and is one of the fastest growing sub-regions of South East Queensland. It is expected that the current population of 215,000 residents will grow by an additional 310,000 people by 2041. Therefore, it is important that Council plans for growth and continues to deliver good service. The population growth will create more employment opportunities, improved transport networks and more effective land use planning and major infrastructure investment while maintaining the existing environmental assets and community spirit.
Council is located in a number of buildings in the Ipswich CBD precinct - see more information on Council's building locations, phone numbers, YTT and Internet Relay user access requirements and Customer Service Centre on our Contact Us webpage.
Queensland local government elections are held every four years. Each councillor is elected to represent a specific division (area) and all Ipswich residents elect the mayor. The councillors work with our community and customers to understand their needs. From this information they formulate the goals and direction of Council.
The Corporate Plan is the document which describes all of the above matters. This plan provides the departments within Council with their strategic direction. The departments use the guidelines provided in the Corporate Plan to determine what activities should be undertaken by their teams and to:
Ipswich City Council is bound by the Local Government Act 2009 (the Act). The purpose of this Act is to provide for the way in which local government is constituted, the nature and extent of its responsibilities and powers; and a system of local government in Queensland that is accountable, effective, efficient and sustainable and consistent with the local government principles contained in the Local Government Act 2009, namely:
The Act requires each local government to appoint a qualified person as its chief executive officer (CEO). According to the Act, a person is qualified to be the CEO if the person has the ability, experience, knowledge and skills that the local government considers appropriate, having regard to the responsibilities of the chief executive officer. Put simply, the CEO is the senior manager of Council and is responsible for implementing the policies and decisions of the local government and managing Council’s day-to-day business and operation.
Ipswich City Council has five departments:
There are a number of key corporate publications available on Council’s website that promote and report on Council’s performance in delivering strategies, major projects and operational business and services.
View current and past Council media releases.
For further information about Ipswich City Council contact (07) 3810 6666 or email council@ipswich.qld.gov.au.