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Use the map below to find out what division a property is in. You can find details of your Council representatives on the Mayor and Councillors page.
Division 1 is the largest of the four divisions and amalgamates both rural and urban suburbs. The division covers a geographic catchment of 61,148 ha (611 km2) and is oriented in a west-east direction spanning from Grandchester and Mount Mort in the west to Redbank Plains and White Rock in the east.
The suburbs of Division 1 include
Division 2 is a mostly urban electorate situated in the eastern end of the City of Ipswich. The division is bounded by the Brisbane River in the north, Brisbane and Logan City boundaries in the southeast, White Rock Spring Mountain Conservation Estate in the south, Redbank Plains Road and Kruger Parade in the west.
The suburbs of Division 2 include
Division 3 is oriented in a west-east direction with Brisbane Road and the Ipswich train line through its core. In the western extent is Leichhardt and One Mile, with the northern extent largely bound by the Bremer and Brisbane Rivers. The southern boundary follows Bundamba Creek north of Blackstone, the Cunningham Highway and Redbank Plains Road. The eastern extent is bordered by Goodna Creek, the Ipswich Motorway and Stuart Street.
The suburbs of Division 3 include
Division 4 amalgamates both rural and urban suburbs and contains areas with significant projected growth, such as Marburg and Rosewood. The division covers a geographic catchment of 34,225 ha (342 km2).
The suburbs of Division 4 include