Council leaders provide briefings for Ipswich business community

22 March 2021

The Ipswich Central Business Briefings are back as live face-to-face sessions from Tuesday 23 March.

The purpose of the event is to provide a platform for the Ipswich business community to engage with council through networking, a panel discussion and a Q&A session.

Mayor Teresa Harding said she was looking forward to personally thanking local businesspeople for supporting the city’s economic recovery.

“The Business Briefings provide another opportunity for Queensland’s first Small Business Friendly Council to hear from our local traders and understand their needs,” Mayor Harding said.

“Small and medium businesses bring so much vitality and economic opportunity to our growing city and provide an enormous variety of jobs to local residents.”

The Ipswich Central Business Briefings are an opportunity to hear first-hand from council on topics, including planning and development, city events, the Nicholas Street Precinct and Safe City.

Mayor Harding, Deputy Mayor Marnie Doyle and Cr Nicole Jonic, as Chair of the Economic and Industry Development Committee, will feature on the panel, which will be moderated by council’s Manager of Economic and Community Development Cat Matson.

The event which will take place on 23 March from 5pm-7.30pm at the Ipswich Civic Centre.

The Office of Economic Development (OED) conducted a survey in January 2021 that revealed businesses preferred a live face-to-face event with information and updates provided by specific areas of council.

Council listened to the feedback, incorporated experts on the first round of topics and have brought these back on a quarterly basis.

“We want to hear from the business community and the survey was a first step to knowing how to move forward in the most beneficial way in 2021,” Cr Doyle said.

“Having the Ipswich Central Business Briefings face-to-face is so important and provides the right environment to engage and hold discussions to keep the city growing,” Cr Jonic said.

If you have any further questions or would like to attend, please reach out to the Office of Economic Development at