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03 December 2021
Ipswich City Council has been advised of the State Government’s notice of a proposed call in for the Wanless Recycling Park at Ebenezer.
In a letter received on 29 November 2021, Deputy Premier Steven Miles informed Council that he is considering exercising his ministerial powers under the Planning Act 2016 to call in, reassess and redecide a recent development application made by Wanless Recycling Park Pty Ltd.
Wanless had initially sought approval from Council to establish a new landfill and waste transfer and recycling centre at Ebenezer.
On 16 September 2021, Council endorsed the recommendation of its officers and Independent Decision Review Panel for a part refusal of the application for the landfill and partial rehabilitation of a mining void and a part approval of the application for the Reconfiguring a Lot and recycling centre components.
The proposal anticipated 1,000,000 tonnes of waste would be processed at the facility, with 550,000 tonnes ending up as landfill.
Wanless lodged an appeal with the Planning and Environment Court on 15 October 2021 against Ipswich City Council’s decision.
Council and the submitters have been invited to make any representations to the State Government by 21 December 2021.
In the event the call-in proceeds, any decision that has been made by Council is void and the appeal process ceases, with the relevant state agencies doing a fresh evaluation of the project.
Importantly, a decision of a call in by the Deputy Premier and Planning Minister cannot be appealed.
Council reaffirms its decision for a part refusal of the application for the landfill and partial rehabilitation of a mining void, which was based on the recommendations of Council officers as well as the Independent Decision Review Panel.
Council’s Waste and Circular Economy Transformation Policy Directive adopted in December 2020 was implemented to address many factors including the most significant issue impacting Ipswich residents which relates to ongoing systemic non-compliance on odour, dust and environmental issues by privately owned and operated landfills located in Ipswich.
It sets out Council’s strategic and operational approach to managing changes across waste, best practice, resource recovery and the circular economy, and underpins our commitment to start delivering better outcomes for the city and its residents.
Based on the advice from Council officers and the Independent Decision Review Panel, the part refusal of the application for the landfill and partial rehabilitation of a mining void, Council believes will ensure that our residents and the environment in Ipswich are protected.
In light of the significant step by the State Government to call in the Wanless proposal, Council will be providing a detailed response to the Deputy Premier.
For further information, read the Minister’s statement here.
Read Council’s decision here.