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23 December 2021
A gelato shop has been locked in for the new dining hub in the $250 million Nicholas Street Precinct revitalisation with Gelatissimo coming to the Ipswich CBD in coming months.
Ipswich Central Redevelopment Committee Chair Councillor Marnie Doyle said she was pleased to welcome Gelatissimo to Queensland’s fastest growing city.
“I am very excited to announce the latest tenant for our Eats venue, Gelatissimo,” Cr Doyle said.
“They will join That Dumpling Place, Terry White Chemist, and Oikos coffee van as tenants, opening in Eats building adjacent to the new Ipswich Central Library on Nicholas Street.”
Gelatissimo CEO Filipe Barbosa said the gelato store would bring new taste experiences and was the perfect complement to existing businesses.
“We are thrilled to become part of the Nicholas Street hub and to bring our huge range of gelato flavours to suit all tastes including vegan, reduced sugar and deluxe range”.
An updated progress report at the Ipswich Central Redevelopment Committee Special Meeting held on 9 December revealed a major cinema operator had been selected as a preferred tenderer from three submissions.
“We are another step closer to being able to announce an anchor cinema tenant which will strengthen the Ipswich Central vision as an exciting and engaging community hub, encourage other business operators to consider CBD commercial opportunities, and draw more visitors to our city’s centre,” Cr Doyle said.
“With the preferred cinema operator selected, we will enter a due diligence period to conclude legal documentation.
“While it’s too early in the process for us to reveal the name, I can say council chose this cinema operator as it presented the best offer to council.
A development application was approved at the 9 December 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting for a gym to be built on level one of the refurbished Eats building.
“As the intention is for the gym to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, this business will further support a vibrant and dynamic mix of round-the-clock activities in the Nicholas Street Precinct,” Cr Doyle said.
Cr Doyle said that it was an exciting position for council to be in at the end of 2021.
“We have a queue of prospective tenants entering into legal negotiations with council and the year has seen the successful activation of the Nicholas Street Precinct with a full schedule of events and many more planned for 2022.
“It is wonderful to see so many people coming back into Ipswich Central.”
To see what events are coming up in the Nicholas Street Precinct, head to