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22 December 2022
Motorists can take advantage of a pause in parking meter charges before a new collection service begins in Ipswich in early 2023.
An Ipswich City Council spokesperson said council’s 110 parking meters will be switched off from 5pm Friday 23 December 2022 until 7am Monday 16 January 2023.
“Council has signed a new contract this week, with the new supplier to begin operations and collect coins from parking meters next month,” the spokesperson said.
“In the meantime, we want to avoid any confusion between motorists who might pay for parking with coins or card. To do that, council has decided to put a pause on charges until the supplier starts.
“Meters are free on weekends or public holidays, meaning there will be minimal impact at this time of year and only a relatively small loss of funds for council.”
The spokesperson said council officers will continue normal patrols to monitor parking compliance in areas including no standing, bus stops, disability, 15-minute zones and timed parking bays.
“We appreciate everyone’s understanding at this time and encourage them to take advantage of the brief pause in parking meter charges by visiting Ipswich Central, shop, eat and enjoy what we have on offer,” the spokesperson said.
“It is the perfect time of the year to check out the libraries, new shops in the Nicholas Street Precinct and spend money with local businesses at Top of Town.”
If you have any questions about parking during this period, contact council’s customer service centre on 3810 6666.