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13 June 2022
The Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) will conduct follow-up assessments and reviews to homes and businesses damaged by rain and flooding in February and April this year, starting from 20 June.
Local Disaster Management Group Chair Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said the assessments would be in addition to work done by the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) and the QRA during initial damage assessments in the flood’s immediate aftermath.
“There were 890 properties that were identified as damaged by the damage assessment immediately after the event will be revisited in this assessment,” Mayor Harding said.
“Council wants to make sure the most up to date information is available on how many houses are still being repaired.
“The road to recovery continues for many and we will continue to highlight our community’s needs.
“We are committed to working with the QRA to understand the extend of the damage.”
The data is collected by officers undertaking damage assessments in the community using a wireless hand-held monitoring device to provide map-based damage data.
If residents are unavailable during this assessment, a calling card with contact details will be left for residents to seek further information from QRA.
Mayor Harding said there were a range of support services in place to assist those impacted by flooding.
“If your home was flooded, you can register your interest in the Resilient Homes Fund with the Queensland Government. This funding is available for a range of options that included retrofitting or house raising to improve resilience, or the voluntary buy- back of homes in severe cases,” Mayor Harding said.
“If residents are having issues with an insurance claim or repair job, they should raise their concerns with their insurer directly to allow them the opportunity to rectify the issue and if they are still not satisfied with the outcome, they can contact Insurance Council of Australia’s consumer hotline on 1800 734 621.
“The city, and many residents are still in the process of recovery from the two flood events and there is still a long way to go for people to get back on their feet. Every day that passes presents another challenge to those impacted.”
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