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08 July 2022
The results of a study testing how Ipswich cars fitted with intelligent technology so they could ‘talk to the driver’ using advance warnings of potential hazards have been published, showing that participants believed the system helped make them be more aware and prompted them to drive more safely.
Growth, Infrastructure and Waste Committee Chair Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said council supported the Ipswich Connected Vehicle Pilot and was pleased to see positive results.
“There are far too many deaths on our roads and people should be able to expect a safe journey when they get into their vehicle,” Mayor Harding said.
“There were 355 Ipswich residents who took part in the trial, driving their own vehicles with retrofitted connected vehicle technology that could display relevant road safety warnings between September 2020 and September 2021.
“The data collected over 49,000 hours of driving, covering 2.7 million kilometres and more than 90,000 warnings were issued to participants with red-light warnings being the most frequent.
“Participants rated the in-vehicle speed as the most useful as well as road works warnings and back of queue warnings as useful for greater awareness for their driving.
“Council supported this trial to improve road safety in alignment to council’s iGO Road Safety Action Plan to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes by using new technology and supporting industry to undertake trials in a live transport network experience.”
The Cooperative Intelligent Transport System used warnings including advanced red-light warning, turning warning vulnerable road user, road works warning, in-vehicle speed, road hazard warning and back of queue warnings.
Growth, Infrastructure and Waste Committee Deputy Chairperson Councillor Paul Tully said the trial provided a range of stakeholders and all levels of government with a clearer way to move forward to increase road safety for all users.
“The study indicated that this technology has the potential to reduce crashes by up to 20 per cent when cooperative intelligent transport systems cover 100 per cent of the road network,” Cr Tully said.
“By encouraging improved driver behaviour, this technology has the potential to improve road safety for all road users.
“Road trauma needs to be addressed and this trial is a step in the right direction.”
The Ipswich Connected Vehicle Pilot was delivered by Department of Transport and Main Roads, supported by Motor Accident Insurance Commission, QUT’s Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland, iMOVE Australia, Telstra, Ipswich City Council and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.
Read the report here: Ipswich Connected Vehicle Pilot: Final reports (