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28 January 2022
Plans to upgrade a section of Ripley Road will soon be underway after Ipswich City Council repealed a previous resolution, allowing council to consider funding and delivery of infrastructure within the Ripley Valley Priority Development Area (PDA).
Division 1 Councillor Jacob Madsen said unlocking funding to build transport infrastructure is key to servicing a rapidly growing population.
“By repealing the Ripley Valley Priority Development Area (PDA) Trunk Infrastructure Provision, council can now commence the planning and design for the upgrade of Ripley Road to address an issue which many long term and new residents to the Ripley Valley have been talking about for many years - the current state of Ripley Road adjacent to the old township,” Cr Madsen said.
“While sections of Ripley Road have been progressively upgraded by the rapid growth in the valley and constructed by the responsible developers, this section of road has been left in its original state and is in desperate need of being upgraded to appropriate standards.
“I welcome Council taking action to address a significant community issue.”
Division 1 Councillor Sheila Ireland said that council has taken action after feedback from the community.
“Council wants to find the best way we can to deliver upgrades to Ripley Road between Trigona Drive and Binnies Road along the length of the original Ripley town,” Cr Ireland said.
“The residents on the ground want to move forward and we want to address any safety concerns, facilitate growth and find a way to get this section of road upgraded as quickly as possible.
“Since 2017 there has been an impediment on the council books for council undertaking this action, however council’s decision allows council the flexibility to commence the journey.
“It means that delivering better roads, bikeways and open spaces by incorporating infrastructure projects into council’s capital works program planning and delivery.”
Ripley Valley was declared an Urban Development Area (UDA) by the State Government in October 2010 and transitioned to a Priority Development Area (PDA) in 2013.
The PDA is managed by the State Government department, Economic Development Queensland (EDQ).
In 2017, council adopted the Ripley Priority Development Area Trunk Infrastructure Provision that meant all trunk infrastructure be delivered and funded from the Ripley PDA Municipal charges or a catalyst funding allocation by EDQ.