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03 March 2022
A ‘one-stop shop’ for the community to access important flood recovery information is now live on Ipswich City Council’s website.
Local Disaster Management Group Chair Mayor Teresa Harding said the webpage brings together information on accessing waste collection services, financial support, volunteering and safety.
“We are working hard to provide essential support and information to the community,” Mayor Harding said.
“Searching numerous government agency websites for flood recovery information is the last thing flood-impacted residents need right now.
“Council’s Local Resilience and Recovery Group has pulled together essential information in one easy-to-find location to make the process of support and recovery a little smoother for our community.”
Local Resilience and Recovery Group Chair Councillor Kate Kunzelmann said the webpage would be of use for flood-impacted residents as well as those wanting to provide assistance.
“Our community is generous and wants to help, and the Flood Recovery webpage brings together information about how best to provide support through volunteering and donations,” Cr Kunzelmann said.
“For flood-impacted residents, the webpage has information about how to access waste services and financial support as well as safety information to ensure everyone stays safe during the flood recovery clean-up.
“The page will continue to be updated with relevant information in the coming days.”
Cr Kunzelmann said the Local Resilience and Recovery Group was coordinating recovery efforts from council’s administration building 1 Nicholas Street.
“The Local Resilience and Recovery Group was activated before the floodwaters started to recede to ensure we could provide timely assistance to our community,” Cr Kunzelmann said.
“The group’s focus is on coordinating support and providing information to the community to get our city through to the other side of this flood event and back to a sense of normality as quickly as possible.
“I want to thank the community for its resilience and patience during this challenging time.”
The Ipswich Flood Recovery information webpage can be accessed at