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03 July 2023
It is checkmate at Springfield Central with the installation of new chess tables bringing the community together.
Six chess tables have been installed in Robelle Domain, Springfield Central, proving to be a great success not only with the Ipswich chess community, but also other curious locals coming together to meet, learn and play.
The tables were installed following efforts by Springfield Ipswich Chess Club President Ed Cubilla who pitched the idea to Division 2 Councillor Nicole Jonic. Mr Cubilla gathered more than 400 signatures in support of the project.
Growth, Infrastructure and Waste Committee Deputy Chairperson and Division 2 Councillor Paul Tully said the new tables were a good example of council working in collaboration with the community.
“Having an outdoor area where people can meet and play is important in cultivating and maintaining a strong connected community,” Cr Tully said.
“Many major cities in the world are famous for their public chess tables, such as New York’s Washington Square Park and the Chess & Checkers House in Central Park – this is Ipswich’s opening move.
“The six chess tables enable people who may not otherwise be able to play chess the opportunity to socialise and enjoy the company of others while participating in a common hobby.”
Division 2 Councillor Nicole Jonic said she was pleased to be able to help Springfield Ipswich Chess Club bring the idea to fruition for the benefit of the community.
“Chess is fun and relaxing in a family-friendly environment, but it is also a serious sport with cognitive benefits such as improving memory, concentration, focus and developing problem solving skills,” Cr Jonic said.
“This area will be a hub for the community to meet and challenge one another, develop their skills and grow and evolve into fantastic players and people.
“When Ed put this idea forward, I was immediately excited and happy to help the club bring it to fruition for the betterment of the community.”
Springfield Ipswich Chess Club President Ed Cubilla thanked council for its support.
“I am really delighted we now have this amazing new area where people can meet and make new friends and enjoy a game of chess in a friendly, healthy and culturally inclusive environment,” Mr Cubilla said.
The chess tables are on the University Drive side of the park.