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28 April 2023
Ipswich residents who live near or are involved with flying foxes are encouraged to provide input to an update of Ipswich City Council’s Flying Fox Roost Management Plan.
Environment and Sustainability Committee Chairperson Councillor Russell Milligan said the plan was originally adopted by council in 2014.
“Flying foxes and their habitat are protected under Queensland and Australian law. Council’s plan aims for a best practice approach to conserving flying foxes while balancing the needs of people who live near roosts or are otherwise affected by flying foxes,” Cr Milligan said.
“It seeks to provide clear and responsible guidance for flying fox roosts on land owned or controlled by council, as well as supporting landowners where roosts are on private property.
“With our growing population, urban expansion and other impacts, we need to ensure our plan is suitable to guide the management of current and future roosts in the city.”
Council was successful under Round 3 of the Queensland Government Flying Fox Roost Management – Local Government Grants Program, receiving $30,000 to update the 2014 plan to incorporate new long-term roost management strategies.
Cr Milligan said residents were able to provide input through council’s community engagement website Shape Your Ipswich, between now and 21 May 2023.
“As we update the plan, we will look at current regulations, best practice roost management, Ipswich flying fox data and community input,” Cr Milligan said.
Cr Milligan said Ipswich has a scattering of between four and 10 roosts depending on the season, food availability and migration patterns.
“Due to these constantly changing factors a roost may have thousands of flying foxes – or it may have none,” Cr Milligan said.
“Our environment needs flying foxes for the dispersal of vital native plants such as koala food trees. Flying foxes are like nocturnal bees, travelling up to 50km looking for nectar and fruit and providing essential pollination along the way.”
Find the ‘Living with Flying Foxes’ survey at