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18 December 2023
Community feedback is now being sought on a draft Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Engagement Guide developed by Ipswich City Council.
The draft Engagement Guide is designed to assist with initiating and improving engagement between council, Traditional Owners, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities.
Community, Culture, Arts and Sport Committee Chairperson Councillor Andrew Fechner said the draft Engagement Guide had three main objectives.
“This guide has been developed to improve awareness and understanding of First Nations culture and protocols across Ipswich, and to undertake culturally responsive engagement to achieve meaningful outcomes,” Cr Fechner said.
“It will also establish the endorsed Representative Engagement Groups that have previously been identified and endorsed in council’s Indigenous Accord 2020-2025.”
Cr Fechner said the draft Engagement Guide had been developed to be a starting point for conversation on these objectives, and will be extensively consulted upon in the weeks ahead.
“Consultation will include face to face workshops with the YUP Native Title Party, Jagera, Yuggera and Ugarapul peoples, as well as online community engagement via Shape Your Ipswich,” Cr Fechner said.
“Council is focused on developing culturally safe and respectful protocols for all parties who engage with us, and this draft Engagement Guide is one step forward on that journey.
“I encourage the Ipswich community to take the time to read the draft Engagement Guide to gain a richer understanding of how we can improve cultural connections and continue Ipswich’s rich reputation as a diverse, respectful and welcoming city.”
Consultation is open on Shape Your Ipswich to 2 February 2024.