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24 November 2023
Ipswich Libraries are fast becoming a popular space for residents to spend time reading, working or studying, with visitation for those purposes more than doubling in the past year.
The Ipswich Libraries Survey Report for 2022-2023 has revealed strong support for the city’s six library branches, and library pod in Karalee.
Community, Culture, Arts and Sport Committee Chairperson Councillor Andrew Fechner said the latest report demonstrated the diverse library services available for Ipswich residents across the city.
“From the Karalee Library Pod which gained a 100 per cent satisfaction rating in this survey, to high satisfaction with the amazing support offered by library staff, residents have told us just how much they love their libraries,” Cr Fechner said.
“At the core of this service are our staff, and residents had plenty to say in support of the council workers who deliver library programs, search for books, assist customers and in every way make our libraries such welcoming, friendly places.
“The most common suggestion for improvement by far – almost 17 per cent – was for longer opening hours on evenings and weekends.
“Almost 60 per cent of respondents indicated they want longer opening hours to allow for library visits outside standard hours.
“Library users also suggested more programs for both adults and children, and a broader collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks.”
Cr Fechner said the annual survey, of 2,058 people, was an invaluable sense-check for council to assess how residents use their library services, including the Makerspaces, study spaces, extensive digital collection and self-service kiosks.
“Our library services are state-of-the-art, with the Ipswich Children’s Library alone an incredibly popular place for families,” Cr Fechner said.
“Council will continue to work on ways to make our libraries even better, with more diverse and welcoming options for residents to enjoy.”
Ipswich Libraries includes the Ipswich Central Library and Ipswich Children’s Library in Tulmur Place, Springfield Central Library, Redbank Plaza Library, Redbank Plains Library, Rosewood Library, and the Karalee Library Pod.
The full survey is available here.