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15 February 2023
School drop-offs and pick-ups will not be adversely affected during major footpath rehabilitation work at Hunter Street, Brassall, between February and May 2023.
Ipswich City Council this week started a four-month project, which involves the removal and reinstatement of all existing concrete and asphalt footpath, including school driveways and bus stops.
Division 4 Councillor Kate Kunzelmann said consultation had been carried out with Ipswich State High School and Brassall State School through the planning stages.
“Site meetings, walk-through and review of construction drawings was conducted with the principals and representatives of both schools in January. Notification of works was also forwarded to both schools to allow for distribution to the greater school community,” Cr Kunzelmann said.
“Notifications were placed in letterboxes of surrounding residents and businesses of the upcoming works.
“The works will only affect school properties; no residential properties will be affected.
“The works will be delivered under an approved traffic guidance scheme to ensure the safety of motorists, residents, school community and work crews. To minimise disruption, there will be limited construction work in place at peak drop off and pick up times.
“Council asks everyone to show some patience and please allow extra time for your journey during work hours.”
The work will also feature construction of a new retaining wall behind the new bus stop shelter outside Ipswich State High School.
The project involves the full rehabilitation of the existing asphalt and concrete footpath from the main vehicle access driveway on Hunter St outside of the Brassall State School south to the Mihi Creek culvert crossing.
The western footpath from Mihi Creek heading South to the existing Translink bus stop at Mihi St in front of the Ipswich State High School is also being reconstructed. The project also includes the reconstruction of two bus stops and minor drainage upgrade works.
These works are being carried out as part of council’s footpath rehabilitation program and began 14 February and will finish on 31 May, weather and site conditions permitting, between 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
The works were released to market for tender with the successful tenderer being BMD Constructions. BMD are fully aware of the site and the volume of traffic as they completed the resurfacing of Hunter St two years previous.
Division 4 Councillor Russell Milligan said the project will take slightly longer due to restrictions placed on the contractor through traffic permits and available work hours due to the location of the project.
“Originally works were scheduled to commence during the Christmas-New Year school holidays but due to current market conditions and lead times required on ordering of materials and site establishment it was not possible to start until now,” Cr Milligan said.
“Due to the large scope of the works, the project is unable to be completed within one school holiday period – with the works that are required to the main entrance to Ipswich State High School scheduled for the Easter School holidays to minimise the impact to the vehicle accessibility to the school.
“For the works to be undertaken outside of normal business hours the cost would more than double which would make the project not feasible. This would also increase the time taken to complete the works by two months.
“Works have been scheduled to ensure no traffic restrictions will be implemented during the peak school drop off and pick up times – however some restrictions to current parking arrangements are inevitable.
“We understand community concerns and will continue to listen to any feedback. These disruptions and restrictions were discussed in great detail with the school representatives and will ultimately provide the best outcome for all involved.”