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10 November 2023
Ipswich City Council has approved a development application for 140 two-storey townhouses in Flinders View, accepting recommendations from an Independent Decision Review Panel and council officers.
Council weighed up the strong opposition from neighbouring residents alongside the desperate need for more accommodation in the current housing crisis and that the development is appropriate for the zoning in the area in a debate that lasted for three hours.
Growth, Infrastructure and Waste Committee Chair Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said the application lodged by Azure Project 36 Pty Ltd in May 2023 for 10 Astral Court, Flinders View, will go ahead subject to the inclusion of relevant conditions to address council and the community’s concerns.
“Council is often called on to make difficult decisions with the potential to significantly impact the community. It is never easy, but councillors are tasked with making decisions that provide the greatest benefit and best outcome for the city as a whole,” Mayor Harding said.
“Ipswich’s population is forecast to more than double in the coming decades from 250,000 residents to 528,000 by 2046, which will require more than 100,000 additional dwellings to accommodate this growth.
“Queensland is currently facing extreme housing pressure and developments such as this will deliver much-needed housing product and diversity to the market.
“Every day I have residents talking to me about the housing crisis in South East Queensland and they beg all levels of government to address affordable housing for so many in our community.”
Council received more than 300 submissions objecting to the proposal with many submissions received before the formal public notification period had started. Primary concerns raised included incompatibility with the surrounding area; dwelling density; traffic; flooding; and environmental impacts associated with vegetation clearing.
“Thank you to the 122 residents who made properly made submissions and for the residents who participated in the Independent Decision Review Panel process. The feedback from residents assisted council when placing 33 conditions on the development,” Mayor Harding said.
“I certainly understand residents’ concerns, council must assess applications against the Ipswich Planning Scheme. In this case, the development is appropriate for the zoning in this area, complies with the planning scheme, and 33 conditions have been included to address the concerns raised by residents and council.
“Council also added the extra step of referring this application to an Independent Decision Review Panel (IDRP) which allows planning experts to review our officer’s recommendations. The IDRP agreed with the recommendation to approve this development subject to the relevant conditions.”
More information on the Astral Court development can be found here.