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16 December 2024
Ipswich City Council is encouraging residents wanting to have a say on development proposed for North Ipswich to lodge properly made submissions before 19 December.
At its December meeting, council’s Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee received and noted a petition about approved and proposed development in the vicinity of WM Hughes Street at North Ipswich.
The petition raised concerns about the potential impact of development on the floodplain.
An application proposing 472 residential units at 22 and 48 WM Hughes Street is currently on public notification until 19 December and is yet to be determined.
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee Chairperson Councillor Andrew Antoniolli said council recognised the concerns of some residents about the proposal and encouraged them to make a formal submission.
“I commend the instigator of the petition and those who supported it for being heard on this issue,” Cr Antoniolli.
“The discussion in last week’s committee meeting about how developments, particularly those with an impact on the floodplain, are assessed, shows the city’s councillors take seriously the need to balance our city’s growth alongside minimising the impact of any future flood events on current and future residents.
“No decision has been made on the application at 22 and 48 WM Hughes Street at North Ipswich.
“Now is the time for community members wanting to have a say on that proposal do so by making a properly made submission.
“All properly made submissions will be carefully considered by council, alongside information provided by the applicant, as part of the development assessment process once the public notification period has closed.”
Cr Antoniolli said council was committed to supporting sustainable development, and its new draft planning scheme - Ipswich Plan 2024 – strengthens risk mitigation requirements for building in flood-prone areas.
“The draft Ipswich Plan 2024 includes a new approach to the consideration of flooding and its consideration in both disaster management and development into the future,” Cr Antoniolli said.
Division 4 Councillor David Martin said while development near WM Hughes Street had been planned for a significant period of time, formally starting around 2005, it was clear the community had concerns.
“The public notification period is an important part of the development assessment process and an opportunity for the community to make its views known in a way that ensures they are appropriately considered,” Cr Martin said.
Division 4 Councillor Jim Madden said council wanted to hear from residents as part of the development assessment process.
“I’m pleased Ipswich residents want to have their say on how our city develops,” Cr Madden said.
“Council actively encourages residents to register on our development.i website, which lists all development applications and their related documents, and use the many tools available to track development applications and lodge submissions.”
The public notification period for application 11625/2023/CA at 22 and 48 WM Hughes Street, North Ipswich is open to 19 December and documents for the application can be found on council’s development.i website.