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12 February 2024
Ipswich groups and individuals are answering a call to arms and registering sites ahead of this year’s Clean Up Australia Day.
Last year residents turned out in their hundreds at a record 55 officially registered sites for the biggest Clean Up Australia Day in Ipswich’s history and initial signs are indicating similar numbers will return for the 2024 event on Sunday, 3 March.
Ipswich City Council Chief Executive Officer Sonia Cooper said council will once again support the clean-up efforts of residents from our neighbourhoods to natural areas across the city.
“Ipswich City Council also offers community sites registered before Monday, 26 February, a free entry for a nominated vehicle to drop off their collected rubbish at the Riverview Recycling and Refuse Centre,” Ms Cooper said
“It’s easy and free to register – I encourage Ipswich groups, businesses and schools to make a difference this year.
“Cleaning up litter in Ipswich has flow-on effects all the way to Moreton Bay, as every piece of litter that ends up in our creeks and rivers starts its journey in our streets and neighbourhoods.”
Ipswich Dragon Boat Club are one of the local groups that has registered a site for Clean Up Australia Day this year, signing up to remove litter from both the Bremer River and Cribb Park, North Ipswich.
Club President Angela Perry said taking part in the event was an extension on a strong ethos within the club to care for the river and environment all year round.
Ipswich Dragon Boat Club make litter pick-ups part of their regular training on the Bremer River, using a net, rope and some paddling manoeuvres.
“It’s setting a great example. We have generations of families who bring their grandkids to Clean Up Australia Day,” Ms Perry said.
“It is up to every single person to take care of the environment and healthy waterways are important.”
“We are a river city so it’s important to take care of it.
Ms Perry said things discarded on land eventually ended up in the river, particularly lightweight items such as bags and bottles.
“We have quite the ball collection. People don’t realise all those balls on the roof or down the drain end up in the river. We’ve come off the river with 20 balls one time,” Ms Perry said.
The group also tries to remove potentially hazardous debris, such as oil drums, tyres and shopping trolleys – and one time the corner section of a leather couch.
Chair of Clean Up Australia Pip Kiernan said Clean Up Australia Day was the largest volunteer clean up event across the nation each year and the most practical way to educate and demonstrate waste prevention.
“By rolling up our sleeves and witnessing the sheer quantity as well as the common types of litter lining our streets, bushlands and waterways, we can gain a better insight into our own personal or household footprints on the environment. It encourages each of us to consider practical ways we can prevent that litter in the first place,” Ms Kiernan said.
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