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07 March 2024
The Ipswich Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy and Action Plan 2024–2025 presented to Ipswich City Council this month makes clear that domestic violence is everyone’s responsibility.
Ipswich City Council Chief Executive Officer Sonia Cooper said council formally supported the plan at Friday’s Ordinary Council Meeting, outlining the collaborative approach that the Ipswich Integrated Service System Working Group will take in responding to and reducing domestic and family violence in our community.
“I am proud that this council is at the forefront of collaborative prevention of the scourge of domestic and family violence in our community,” Ms Cooper said.
“The prevention strategy and action plan embraces community-led solutions, inviting active participation from all voices and committing to a lasting and inclusive process.
“Domestic violence has devastating impacts on women, families, children and young people.
“Everyone has a responsibility to stamp out domestic violence, and this prevention strategy and action plan lays out how council will work in partnership with agencies, practitioners and the community to deliver the most effective responses and prevention strategies.
“The Ipswich Integrated Service System Working Group, with council’s support, will drive the actions, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of actions, make recommendations for enhancements, and continue to report to the community on outcomes.”
Domestic Violence Action Centre Chief Executive Officer Amie Carrington provided a presentation to council’s Community, Culture, Arts and Sports committee on the action plan.
“Last year alone Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll reported a 25 per cent increase in domestic violence matters,” Ms Carrington said.
“This is a whole-of-community problem, not a problem in isolation. This strategy serves as a beacon of hope, leading Ipswich’s response to domestic and family violence. It’s about embracing community-led solutions.
“Beyond our community, this initiative stands as a potential template, offering guidance to other communities on how they too can be part of the solution.”
The Ipswich Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy and Action Plan 2024–2025 consists of seven priority areas which will guide the actions required to strive to deliver a community free of domestic and family violence.
The seven priority areas are:
The full Ipswich Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy and Action Plan 2024–2025 is available online at Ipswich City Council’s website.