Council selects Bielby Holdings to deliver major Ripley Valley road upgrades

24 December 2024

Bielby Holdings Pty Ltd will deliver the detailed design and construction of council’s key road upgrades in the Ripley Valley, following a decision by Ipswich City Council.

Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said council approved the $77.4 million contract at the December Ordinary Meeting, following a competitive tender process.

The contract covers stages 1, 2 and 3 of the Ripley Road and Fischer Road upgrades.

“Ripley Valley is one of the largest urban growth regions in Australia, forecast to ultimately be home to a quarter of Ipswich’s population,” Mayor Harding said.

“With our preferred construction partner now selected, we are excited for detailed design and construction to get underway next year on upgrading Ripley Road between the Cunningham Highway and Fischer Road, and Fischer Road between Nevis Road and Monterea Road.

“Ripley Road is the main link in this region providing access to the Cunningham and Centenary highways, connecting this section of the western corridor to Brisbane.

“Ripley Road currently carries approximately 22,000 vehicles per day, with significant growth forecast to continue over the next 10 years.”

Mayor Harding said council approached the market through an open tender process in accordance with local government regulations to select an experienced and well-credentialled construction partner.

“Council conducted a two-stage procurement process, considering key criteria such as delivery methodology, resourcing capacity, project timing, and innovation in order to ensure the best value for money for ratepayers,” Mayor Harding said.

“Council has recently also secured a $24 million low interest loan from the State Government through Economic Development Queensland to fund Stage 1 of the upgrades, given the region’s status as a Priority Development Area.

“This loan will be repaid through infrastructure charges paid by developers and collected by council as the valley develops, helping to unlock thousands of lots for housing in the Ripley Valley.”

Division 1 Councillor Pye Augustine said the endorsement of a construction partner was an exciting step forward in keeping the city moving.

“Commencing detailed design and construction for stages 1, 2 and 3 of this project is music to the ears of commuters and motorists in the South West of Ipswich,” Cr Augustine said.

“The first stage, upgrading Ripley Road from Cunningham Highway to Monterea Road, is expected to be complete by the end of 2027.

“In total, all three stages are expected to be completed during the 2028-2029 financial year.”

Division 1 Councillor Jacob Madsen said the Ripley Valley Priority Development Area covers 4,680 hectares and is forecast to develop into 48,750 dwellings to house 131,000 people by 2046.

“Stages 1 and 2 of the project covers a stretch of about 2.7 kilometres of Ripley Road and will be upgraded to a four-lane divided urban arterial road with off-road cycle tracks and footpaths,” Cr Madsen said.

“Stage 3 of the project involves upgrading a 700-metre stretch of Fischer Road to two lanes with an off-road shared use pathway.”

Council is managing the design and construction of the two connecting roads within the Ripley Valley in a staged approach:

  • Stage 1 – Ripley Road (between Cunningham Highway and Monterea Road)
  • Stage 2 – Ripley Road (between Monterea Road and Fischer Road)
  • Stage 3 – Fischer Road (between Nevis Road and Monterea Road)

The upgrade of Ripley Road and Fischer Road will provide major improvements to the council road network, however significant additional works will also be required on the State and National transport networks, in the form of highway upgrades and new and improved public transport services to support the ongoing growth within the Ripley Valley Priority Development Area.

Read more at Shape Your Ipswich here: Ripley Road Fischer Road upgrade.