21 March 2025
Ipswich’s young leaders are stepping up to have their voices heard, with the largest cohort of the Ipswich Youth Advisory Council (IYAC) officially welcomed earlier this month.
Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding said a record 61 youth, aged between 13 to 18, commenced their 2025 term in February, nearly doubling last year’s 37 members.
“The young people of Ipswich are more interested in shaping the future of our city than ever before,” Mayor Harding said.
“Ipswich is a city with a young population – a third of our residents are under the age of 25 and the median age is 33, five years younger than the state and national median.
“These statistics demonstrate the importance of Council listening to our young people when making decisions that could impact their futures.
“IYAC’s role is to empower our young residents to speak up on everyday issues that matter to them, providing an important platform for them to engage in democracy and contribute to local decision making.
“Democracy thrives when people of all ages and backgrounds contribute. Ipswich is a vibrant and growing city and our next generation of leaders have so much to offer.
“In the past, IYAC members have contributed to many important issues, from youth homelessness and sustainability to the Resource Recovery Centres and council’s Active and Healthy programs.
“Last year, the group brought their ideas to the Future of River Heart Parklands, Studio 188, Ipswich Film Festival for Youth and the Get Ready Queensland program.
“Members bring a fresh and unique perspective to all kinds of important issues.
“I have no doubt that this cohort are the future leaders of our city and we have a bright future with these young minds playing an active role in our community.”
Community and Sport Committee Chairperson Councillor Jacob Madsen said IYAC plays a crucial role in ensuring young people’s voices are included in the city’s future planning.
“The purpose is to give young people a seat at the table and make sure their ideas are not only heard, but acted upon,” Cr Madsen said.
“IYAC members are passionate and ready to share their ideas. This year will be a rewarding year for members as they make positive changes in Ipswich.
“Our city is in great hands with these inspiring youth leaders.”
IYAC comprises of young people aged 13 to 18 from diverse backgrounds across Ipswich, who meet monthly.
Members are appointed via an application process, serving an initial one-year term and can seek re-appointment for a subsequent term.
For more information on IYAC, visit council’s website.