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For assistance in planning public transportation for your trip click on the links below: or call Translink on 13 12 30 anytime.
For assistance in planning your trip please visit:
Public Transport
To plan a trip on public transport try the Translink Journey Planner
Trains (Queensland Rail)
For passenger train timetables and ticket information use the Translink Journey Planner or call Translink on 13 12 30 anytime.
Public bus services in Ipswich are co-ordinated by Translink. For information about timetables and tickets visit Translink or call on 13 12 30 anytime.
Local bus transport providers provide school and charter bus services. Local operators include:
Westside City Buses (A Division of Bus Queensland)
Ph: (07) 3288 1333
15 River Road, Redbank Q 4305.
Southern Cross Transit
Ph: (07) 3812 2520
251 Mount Crosby Road, Karalee Q 4305.
Yellow Cabs Ipswich
Ph: 13 19 24
A number of community transport services exist to help people with a disability travel for shopping, medical and social activities. Further information is available at
Community transport services include:
Comlink Australia
Ph: 1300 785 054
STAR (Incorporating CODI) Transport
Ph: 3821 6699
Department of Transport & Main Roads Taxi Subsidy Scheme
Phone: 1300 134 755
Subsidised Community Transport
Free Hospital Shuttle Services
Ipswich Hospital provides a free “Park & Ride” shuttle service for staff, patients and visitors to the hospital.
The shuttle service operates Monday to Friday excluding public holidays.
For more information or to view the current timetable
St. Andrews Private Hospital provides a free shuttle service operating Monday to Friday on a continuous loop with various collection points. For more information or to view the current timetable.
Ipswich City Council developed the City of Ipswich Transport Plan (iGO) to outline its goals to advance Ipswich’s transport system and guide future policy.
The plan defines active transport as “an efficient, cost effective, healthy, sustainable and accessible form of transport which has many benefits for both the individual and the community”.
The most common forms of active transport are walking and cycling, although scooting, skating, mobility devices and travelling on public transport are also included in the definition.
Council has further developed its plan to promote and support active transport documented in the iGO Active Transport Action Plan.
For information about walking and cycling in Ipswich visit: Healthy Lifestyle Walk Cycle Ipswich.