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Sustainability in the suburbs provides an opportunity for the community and local businesses to be involved in promoting and celebrating sustainability and our environment. Sharing stories, knowledge and ideas help us all live, eat and play the sustainable way! By working together we can protect and enhance our environment and its liveability for current and future generations.
Keep an eye out for our locals sharing their sustainability tips and tricks or share yours using #sustainableipswich.
You will also find a heap of ideas and links to the right showing how easy it is to live more sustainably.
In our Sustainable Ipswich community engagement you said getting rid of single-use plastic and packaging would be a big help towards being more sustainable in your everyday life.
"Using less packaging. Also sometimes the choice is not the consumer's as the shop or manufacturer does the packaging."
Ipswich resident Kaitlyn makes simple household choices that increase sustainability, and shares one of her sources of inspiration - the 1 Million Women app.
"Cleaning is something we all need to do. So I knew that was one of the first places I could make some change and start to do things differently. So instead of just going through new bottles you can easily make your own cleaning products. Everything is about reducing landfill."
In our Sustainable Ipswich community engagement you said that you wanted help to start a a nature-friendly garden.
"Would love to assist birds and bees in my garden but don’t know how to."
Plot Australia started when Springfield mum Rachel wanted to inspire other families to start gardening. She shows us how easy it is - no yard is too big or small.
I do a lot of kids creative garden workshops, and thought that was something every kid did - they were out in the garden with their parents or grandparents (but) a lot of kids have never planted a seed before or grown anything before and they were super excited and loved doing it.
In our Sustainable Ipswich community engagement you said that we all need to take action - individuals, the community and business and government.
"A circular economy that minimises waste, and minimises emissions." "Finding ways to use things more wisely, so that we can live in a better society!"
Llewellyn Motors has its sights set on becoming one of the most sustainable businesses in Ipswich, with a major focus on tackling the issue of waste.
"We should always looking for ways to recycle as much as possible, as it may not affect us today but it will affect our next generation. If you bring your vehicle in for a service, all the oil, the oil filters, the batteries, metals, pretty much everything that comes through is recycled in such a way that it doesn't go to landfill."
In our Sustainable Ipswich community engagement you said sustainability meant many things.
"Valuing the natural environment and believing that economic prosperity and environmental protection are not mutually exclusive. Try and find the sustainable option in all my actions and purchases. Also avoid plastic wherever possible!"
Wendy shows us inside Ipswich Good Food Group which lives up to all of those local sustainability ideals.
"We are always looking for environmentally friendly options, sustainable options and options that are ethical so that the farmer is getting a good price and producers are getting a reasonable return on all their hard work. Which makes for a sustainable future."
In our Sustainable Ipswich community engagement you said you would love to be more 'green' in your backyard but the size of your block was too small.
"Support for people to grow their own food in small spaces (fresh and affordable". "Grow my own food/compost on a small block".
Ipswich resident Jen shows us how you can do things like start a compost, even if you don't have much space!
"Where you can, do what you can with what you have. That doesn't mean people feel pressured to live a perfectly sustainable life. But it means if they do what they can, with what they have, then it's a good way to think about what resources they have in their home and how they can use that better and become more sustainable."
In our Sustainable Ipswich community engagement you said sustainability required a holistic effort in various aspects of life.
"Sustainability means finding community, state, national and global ways of living that will have a neutral impact on the environment particularly in relation to all areas of consumption - including food, water, transport, etc."
Oikos cafe in Ipswich is not only making change, but encouraging sustainable practices in those around them.
"It is really important for us to be a sustainable for us, and to utilise those in our circle of influence. For us that's the Ipswich community. When you support local businesses there's less of a carbon footprint"
In our Sustainable Ipswich community engagement you said growing your own food was one way you would like to be more sustainable in your everyday life.
"Growing my own food as the soil on my property is not the best for growing things and I'm also unsure of how to".
Professional gardener Kate Wall shows us how to create a productive backyard patch suited to Ipswich conditions.
"A lot of people have been wanting to grow veggies, particularly during this time of lockdown, but not everyone knows how to get started. That's where I'm going to come in today and give you a helping hand."
In our Sustainable Ipswich community engagement you said that sustainability meant people taking action now to make sure we all have a future.
"Everyone should be responsible to do their bit". "Preserve the environment now for future generations."
Pine Mountain resident Chris, a Land for Wildlife member, is restoring his weed-ridden property back to its natural glory.
"I feel that all property owners are custodians of their land for such a limited period of time, and so I feel a moral obligation and responsibility to leave the land in a better condition that what it was when I first got it."