Road Permit is required to carry out certain activities within road reserves in the Ipswich City Council (ICC) area. A road reserve is the area from property boundary to property boundary including the verges, footpaths, shoulders, traffic lanes, and median. The common activities include carrying out works or traffic management within road reserves.

Permits are issued pursuant to the Local Government Act 2009. Carrying out such activities without a permit is illegal, and may result in a fine of up to 200 penalty units. Activities carried out in breach of a condition of a permit may result in a fine of up to 40 penalty units.

Some road reserves within the ICC area are State Controlled Roads (SCRs), and separate permission must be obtained from the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR). For activities within SCRs, refer to list of State Controlled Roads (PDF, 20.7 KB). Where the activity impacts both ICC and DTMR roads, permits are required from both authorities. DTMR’s traffic counts and road categories list can be found at QLD Globe

Any impacts to bus routes or bus stops are notified in advance to TransLink. The applicant must gain approval for impacts to the passenger transport network as a result of the proposed works or approved activities. The Applicant must apply 21 days prior to changes commencing and comply with any stipulated approval conditions. Apply at Department of Transport and Main Roads website or via email to

Minor activities confined solely to the footpath or verge on Local or Access Streets defined in Ipswich City Council's Hierarchy, that do not divert pedestrians onto the shoulder or traffic lanes, and maintain sufficient space, adequate surfaces and protection for pedestrians to pass safely, do not require a Road Permit. Example activities include short term storage of construction or landscaping materials (less than 12 hours, with groundsheet protection for grassed areas, formed footpaths not impeded), opening manholes, pits or other structures for inspection by small work-crews (with any associated vehicles legally parked on the road).

Works on Road Reserves

Council approval is required to work on, or use, within Council’s road reserves. Activities may include:

  • Construct or repair a footpath, crossover or kerb and channel
  • Excavate or disturb roadway or footpath
  • Connect to Council stormwater drainage network
  • Temporary placing hoarding, gantry, scaffolding, site shed, equipment or material (not considered as Minor Activities)
  • Install, maintain or repair public utilities such as electrical cabling, water, sewerage or gas mains

For works already covered under planning Development Permits approval issued from Council do not require further approval under Road Permits.  However, Road Permits for associated traffic management is required.

Land Access and Activity Notice

Council waives their right to receive notice of works under Schedule 3, Clause 19 (1) (a)-(d) of the Telecommunications Act 1997 that do not involve breaking the surface of the road reserve (under the Telecommunications Act).

Pre-Lodgement Design Advice

Public utility authorities or their nominated sub-contractors may wish to receive (free of charge) Pre-Lodgement Design Advice from Council, for their proposed utility alignments, prior to lodging permit applications. A formal response will be generated - this is not an approval for the works to proceed, all applicable permits will need to be obtained prior to commencing works.

When applying for free Pre-Lodgement Design Advice at least 20 business days must be given, longer for large or complex projects.

Dial Before You Dig

The responsibility to identify and locate all services including water mains, sewerage, telecommunications, stormwater and gas, remains with the applicant. Confirmation for services / utility within the affected area can be obtained through DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG (DYED) on the website at or phone on 1100. Information obtained from DYED services may need to be verified by engaging a qualified services locator and obtain "as constructed" plans or drawings from Council or other utility providers.

Traffic Management

A Road Permit is also required for activities that do not involve breaking the surface of the road reserve, this could involve altering or disrupting the normal flow of traffic (including vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles and mobility devices).

Traffic Management must be carried out by a company registered with the Department of Transport and Main Roads Traffic Management Registration Scheme. The Register of Traffic Management Organisations can be viewed on the Department of Transport and Main Roads website.

In accordance with DTMR’s mandatory adoption of the QGTTMAGTTM Council now requires the following minimum level of documentation to be supplied with ALL applications prior to processing.

A Traffic Management Plan (TMP)

A TMP must be developed for every project. The length and complexity of the TMP is proportionate to the size of the project and level of risk associated with the works.

The TMP shall contain the following minimum information:

  • Project location (description of the site and its features)
  • Project details (including work type, methods of construction, duration, staging Inc. night work/after-hours arrangements)
  • Contact details (Client, client’s representative and TMD)
  • Outcome of affected local community consultations (for full road closures, major detours, blocking of driveway access, etc.)
  • Notification requirements (letterbox drops, Emergency Services, Translink, TVMS etc.)
  • Inspection and monitoring details (what’s being monitored, how often and by whom)
  • Emergency and contingency arrangements
  • A thorough risk assessment for all user types using hierarchy of controls (Around, Through, Past)
  • Residual risk register outlining any risks that need to be managed on-site, at the pre-start inspection and throughout each shift.

Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS)

The TGS should include detailed drawings depicting the layout and type of traffic control devices to be used for all situations likely to be encountered during the work. TGS may also include written descriptions of the arrangements. TGS should be developed for stage / element of work to be protected and should reflect the outcome of the risk assessment and traffic options analysis.

The TGS shall contain the minimum following information:

  • Sign and device layout to be implemented
  • Site access and egress locations
  • Method and order that signs shall be implemented and removed (Inc. turn-around locations)
  • Project location
  • TGS identifier (TGS number and/or name)
  • Contact details (Client, client’s representative and TMD)
  • Description of the purpose for which the TGS has been developed
  • Dates and preferred times that each arrangement is to be implemented

Schemes that do not comply with the QGTTM, AGTTM and MUTCD may delay processing of the application.

Traffic management must be implemented onsite by suitably trained and qualified people employed by the registered traffic management company, in accordance with the current version of Queensland Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (QGTTM), Australian Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (AGTTM) and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Part 3.

Traffic Counts / AADT

Ipswich City Council traffic count data can be found at:

Completing the Road Permit Application Form

All Road Permits are issued to The Applicant (e.g. the Responsible Organisation conducting the works – Principal Contractor or the Organisers of an Event). Any Public Liability Insurance associated with the permit must be held by The Applicant (not a sub-contractor) and the Nominated Traffic Management Company.

A Traffic Management Company may apply on behalf of The Applicant, if it has been authorised to do so, but details of The Applicant must be provided.

Any permit period applied for must be consecutive dates. Applications can be submitted using the online form and will take at least 20 business days to be assessed (10 business days for Administrative Amendment - extension of time only). Applicants are to allow and consider this processing time in their submissions.

To avoid delay, all sections of the application form must be completed. The supporting documentation, including amendment application, must be uploaded to the portal, ensuring these details are kept on file and are current. Applications that are incorrect or incomplete will not be processed until all required information has been received.

Permit Amendments

Permit amendments can be applied for, these are defined as below:

  • Administrative Amendment (Extension of time only): solely extension of time, all supporting documentation must be the same to the current valid permit
  • Major Amendment of a Permit (Other than just an extension of time): where works or documentation has changed since the current valid permit

Application for amendments must be submitted within the currency period of the issued road permit.

Notification of works under an Annual Permit

Annual Permits are only issued by invitation to utility service providers to enable regular maintenance works only on existing infrastructure. Please read all the conditions of the permit, as these are different from our standard Permit Conditions. Notifications must be sent to the Road Permits Team as per the Permit Conditions to ensure there is no conflict of works.

Annual permit holders wishing to install new infrastructure or replace existing infrastructure (with the exception of fixture replacement) must complete a New Application to cover the associated works.

Plan of Works

A detailed description of all proposed works is to be submitted where applicable.

Descriptions such as 'excavating road' are not acceptable. An example of an acceptable description would be 'excavating trench across road to install conduits for new 11kV cabling, work to be staged across road one lane at a time, trenches to be plated and trafficable after hours'.

A site plan indicating location of proposed work is required. Other marked up plans or drawings are also useful such as any proposed earthworks or temporary structures. This could range from Pre-Lodgement Design Advice documents, through to approved construction plans of the works being undertaken.

Public Liability Insurance

The Applicant and Nominated Traffic Management Company must hold a current Public Liability Insurance (PLI) policy with a minimum cover of $20 million throughout the permit period. The insurance company must be licensed to operate in Australia. The Applicant and Nominated Traffic Management Company must provide evidence of insurance to Council with the application.

Standard Conditions (Traffic Management)

If The Applicant is unable to comply with any of the Standard Conditions, they must state which number/s they can’t comply with and include an explanation for each outlining the reason/s why they are unable to comply.

The Standard Conditions are:

  1. All traffic management must be in accordance with the current version of the Queensland Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (QGTTM), Australian Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (AGTTM) and Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
  2. All traffic management must be undertaken by a company registered with the Department of Transport and Main Roads Traffic Management Registration Scheme.
  3. All traffic management plans and traffic guidance schemes must be authorised by an appropriately qualified competent person as defined in the QGTTM, AGTTM and MUTCD.
  4. Works or traffic control must not be undertaken within 100m of a 40km/h school zone on school days between the hours of 7:00 am - 9:00 am or 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
  5. Works or traffic control must not be undertaken within 50 metres of any traffic signal.
  6. When carrying out activities, the permit holder must undertake all reasonable measures to:
    1. Protect the public from nuisance, injury or loss;
    2. Minimise the duration of lane or road closures;
    3. Minimise impacts including delays for road users;
    4. Ensure access to adjacent properties is maintained;
    5. Minimise impacts on participants of events and activities;
    6. Ensure the safe passage of all road and footpath users;
    7. Ensure refuse vehicles can service adjacent properties;
    8. Maintain the site in a clean and tidy condition;
    9. Protect the integrity of all public utility services located in the road reserve including completing a 'Dial Before You Dig' search before commencing works;:
  7. All works must be undertaken in accordance with Council's Standard Drawings available at
  8. Trees including roots are not to be removed, damaged or trimmed.
  9. Any public infrastructure (eg. footpaths, verges, road pavements, kerbing, gully pits, islands, street lighting, driveways, traffic signs or other street furniture) that is disturbed, damaged or removed when undertaking activities must be repaired or reinstated to the standard required by Council's standard drawings.
  10. A copy of the Permit and approved Traffic Management Plan must be kept on site and be available for inspection at all times.
  11. Emergency services and all residents and businesses directly affected by the activities must be advised of the planned disruption at least 24 hours before works or traffic control commences.
  12. The permit holder must hold and maintain throughout the period of the works a current public liability insurance policy with a minimum of $20 million. The insurance company must be licenced to operate in Australia. The Permit Holder must provide evidence of insurance to Council upon request.
  13. The Applicant must notify Translink regarding any impacts to bus routes or stops by email to
  14. Access to Businesses and Residents shall be maintained at all times.
  15. Failure to adhere with any of these conditions will result in the permit becoming invalid.
  16. Council reserves the right to withdraw this permit at any time if the conditions of the permit are not being adhered to or upon assessment Council determines the activity as causing a nuisance, inconvenience or annoyance to the community, effecting the amenity of the area or the local environment.
  17. This permit only authorises works and traffic control on Local Government controlled roads. Any additional authority or permits from state authorities or utility provides will be required in addition to this permit.
  18. Failure to comply with the conditions of a permit is an offence and may result in you being issued with a penalty infringement notice and/or being prosecuted. The maximum penalty is 40 penalty units.
  19. It is an offence to carry out works without a permit and may result in you being issued with a penalty infringement notice and/or being prosecuted. The maximum penalty is 200 penalty units.
  20. Ipswich City Council shall be notified in writing via e-mail to of any changes to the approved Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS). As soon as practicable after the changes, but no later than twenty four (24) hours, the new Traffic Guidance Scheme with an approval from a Traffic Management Design qualified person shall be submitted to Ipswich City Council for any permit and/or condition changes as required.

Standard Times

Road HierarchyTimes*
School days, all roads, all activities within 100m of a school zone. 09:00 to 14:00
Department of Transport and Main Roads, State Roads. Times specified in DTMR permits for activities on State controlled roads that affect adjacent council controlled roads.
Monday to Friday, activities being performed on roads classified as: Local Streets (excluding Bell Street, Ipswich) or Minor Collectors. 07:00 to 17:00
Monday to Friday, activities being performed on Rural and Urban roads classified as: Major Collector, Sub-Arterial, Main Street Sub Arterial, Arterial and Main Street Arterial. 09:00 to 16:00
Saturday and Sunday, on all roads. 08:00 to 17:00
Night works, on all roads. 19:00 to 05:00

*Subject to Council approval and conditions

Ipswich City Council's road hierarchy maps can be found at under "Roads".

Standard Drawings

Works and reinstatement are to be carried out in accordance with Ipswich City Councils relevant Standard Drawings. Commonly referred standard drawings include SR.22, SR.23, SR.43, SR.44, SP.11 and SP.107.

Fees and Charges

Invoices will be issued according to the details provided in the application. Refer to Council's Fees and Charges.

Submitting Applications

To apply via the online application form – Click Here to be taken to the MyIpswich Portal.
Online application forms will submit straight to Council. Please make a record of the reference number of your online application.

Downloadable Road Permits Application Form

Completed downloadable application forms are to be sent to Ipswich City Council preferably via email to

Or by mail to:
Ipswich City Council
PO Box 191
Ipswich QLD 4305

For the Christmas and New Year period, Council and the Road Permit team will take a short break over this time. Please check the main Council website for the period of closure. Please be aware that no Road Permit Applications will be processed during this period. All active permits must have valid currency during this time. Any applications / amendments / extensions must be submitted no later than 2 weeks prior to the Christmas shutdown allowing time for processing.

More information