Council’s procurement strives to achieve value for money for residents while ensuring probity, transparency and accountability.

The City of Ipswich undertakes substantial procurement activities in accordance with the requirements of Section 104 of the Local Government Act 2009, the Local Government Regulations 2012 and the Ipswich City Council Procurement Policy 2020-2021 (PDF, 228.8 KB).


Ipswich City Council – Strategic Contracting Procedures

The following proposed resolution will be considered by council to apply the Strategic Contracting Procedures to its contracts from 1 July 2025, as per Part 2, Chapter 6 Strategic Contracting Procedures of the Local Government Regulations 2012.

  1. That council after
  1. consideration of the costs and benefits of complying with Part 2, Chapter 6 Strategic Contracting Procedures of the Local Government Regulations 2012; and
  2. provision of the public notice of this proposed resolution;

pursuant to section 218(1) of the Local Government Regulations 2012, decides to apply Part 2, Chapter 6 Strategic Contracting Procedures of the Local Government Regulations 2012 to its contracts from 1 July 2025.

  1. That a future report to council be prepared for the adoption of a Contract Manual and Contracting Plan, prior to the date on which the Strategic Contracting Procedures are to apply, being 1 July 2025.

The proposed resolution will be considered at the meeting of the Ipswich City Council Finance and Governance Committee on 22 April 2025 at 9.00 am. Subject to the outcome of the Finance and Governance Committee’s consideration, the resolution will proceed to be adopted at council’s Ordinary Meeting on 30 April 2025 at 9.00 am.

A Strategic Procurement Model will enhance efficiency, optimise value for money, and support local businesses while ensuring compliance with the Local Government Act 2009 and Local Government Regulation 2012.

Existing contract terms or arrangements or procurement processes established or started prior to this date will not be impacted.

For more information click here.

Procurement Process

The following principles apply when council is purchasing goods, services and works:

  • Value for money
  • Open and effective competition
  • Development of competitive local business and industry
  • Environmental protection
  • Ethical behaviour and fair dealings.

Council undertakes procurement sourcing activities via VendorPanel based on the thresholds summarised below:

$ Value (excluding GST)

Minimum Purchasing Requirements *

$2,001 to $14,999

Up to three written quotes may be requested

$15,000 to $199,999

Three written quotes are required

> $200,000

Public tender

Doing Business With Council

If you are interested in doing business with council you can self-register via VendorPanel Marketplace for free. VendorPanel MarketPlace is council's chosen online platform for its tendering and quotation requirements.  Registering provides you with an opportunity to do business with council but does not automatically make you a supplier to council.

Supplier Onboarding

Council has implemented the eftsure software solution as part of its supplier onboarding and accounts payable process to improve security measures and reduce the risk of fraud when paying suppliers. The threat and incidences of cyber fraud, including email phishing scams and payment details being altered fraudulently have unfortunately become more prevalent.

Suppliers who do business with Council will need to have their details verified by eftsure before payment can be made.  Any requested changes to bank account details will need to be re-verified. This may involve an email and/or telephone call from eftsure to verify the business name, ABN and bank details that have been provided to Council.

eftsure is a leader in fraud detection and payment protection, which enables Council to verify banking details in real-time before processing EFT payments. Essentially, eftsure assists Council in ensuring that payments are made to the correct bank account.

Due to the nature of their service, eftsure treats privacy and security with the utmost importance.  All data is encrypted, kept private and located within Australia.

Further information can be found here in our fact sheet or on the eftsure website.


Quotations will be sourced via VendorPanel Marketplace. To have an opportunity to receive an invitation to quote suppliers must register on VendorPanel Marketplace.

For more information or enquiries regarding VendorPanel Marketplace please refer to ‘Doing Business With Council’ or contact council's Procurement Branch on (07) 3810 6666 or email

Public Tenders

In compliance with the Local Government Act 2009 and Local Government Regulations 2012, council advertises tenders via VendorPanel.

Ipswich City Council's current tenders can be viewed via the button below:

Awarded Contracts

To better achieve greater transparency in procurement and contribute to rebuilding of trust with the Ipswich community, Ipswich City Council Procurement Policy was amended at the end of July 2020 to including the following ongoing requirements:

  • Council will publish basic contract details for all awarded contracts and procurements over $10,000 (excluding GST) from August 2020; and
  • As per legislative obligations under section 237 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Contracts Awarded $200,000 and above (excluding GST)

Click on the link for details:

All contract values contained within this document are approximate and based on an estimate of full contract term value.

Human Rights Act for Contractors

The Human Rights Act 2019 (HRA) commenced in full on 1 January 2020. The HRA imposes obligations on ‘public entities’ to act compatibly, and properly consider, human rights when undertaking acts or making decisions. Council is a ‘public entity’ for the HRA. However, it is possible that suppliers to Council may also be considered ‘public entities’ and have obligations under the HRA depending on the nature of the services they provide to council. Council has prepared a fact sheet for suppliers in relation to the HRA.

More Information