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The Ipswich Heritage Adviser service is available to assist owners of historic Ipswich buildings. This service is available for limited free consultation by appointment. The Heritage Adviser is an experienced conservation architect who provides free conservation and architectural advice to owners of historic properties.
Since its inception in October 1992 the Heritage Adviser Service has constantly been rated as a worthwhile initiative by the rate payer clients.
The Heritage Adviser normally undertakes visits at the place in question thus maximising convenience to residents and developers. The Heritage Adviser also provides Council with conservation advice on its own buildings and sites and on development proposals affecting heritage listed properties.
This service is in many ways the Public Relations flagship of Council's overall approach to heritage awareness promotion. It is a service that provides technical advice and is also a highly effective public relations exercise.
Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 71.6 KB)
People interested in availing themselves of this service should contact the Ipswich City Council, telephone (07) 3810 7313 or by completing the booking form.