The Safe as Suburbs program aims to
assist residents of Ipswich to live more
confidently in their home by making
them aware of possible home security
issues and provide recommendations
on how to address them.
A home and safety audit checklist has
been designed to assist in making your
home a safe and liveable place. With the
checklist, you will be able to identify any
security and safety changes needed, in
accordance with your needs and budget.
Safe as Suburbs
For more informationincluding how to request an audit checklist email phone (07) 3810 7437
Residents can request the audit
checklist or have guidance on how
to audit their home by contacting the
Community Safety Officer, who has
been trained to undertake CPTED
safety audits.
At the conclusion of the audit you
will recieve recommendations on
home safety improvements to
make an informed decision on
potential improvements.