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As the local government authority for the Ipswich area, Ipswich City Council (council) has an obligation to ensure our city is a safe, healthy, and equitable community. One of the ways council meets this obligation is through the provision of various regulations and local laws which are designed to protect and enhance the community's general way of life and well-being.
As a dedicated community proud of our City, we can all strive to look after our local area and adhere to these regulations. Failure to comply with these laws may result in a fine/Penalty Infringement Notice (PIN) being issued to residents, businesses, and visitors to the city for breaches of these local laws and regulations.
If you have received a PIN (also referred to as a fine) from council, you have 28 days from the issue date to select one of the options available to you on the back of the infringement.
PIN payments can be made via the following methods:
For more information about payment options visit our Infringement Notice Payments webpage.
PINs of $200 and over may be paid off in instalments. Please select the appropriate option on the back of the PIN and complete your details in the space provided. Please note, if this option is selected, the request must be filled in and signed by the person to whom the PIN was issued. You must then return the PIN along with the first instalment of a minimum of $60 to council. If you no longer have the PIN, your request can be accepted in writing, provided you include your full name, contact address and phone numbers and sign the document.
Once the paperwork is processed, the remainder of the balance will be transferred to the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER) who will provide you with a monthly instalment amount with no additional fees incurred. If you default on your instalment agreement, extra charges may be added to your balance.
If you have been issued a PIN and believe there is a good reason for you to have the PIN withdrawn you may apply for an internal review. All requests for review against an issued PIN are to be made by the recipient as soon as possible after it is received, preferably within 28 days. A review can be submitted either online (click here), by completing the Infringement Review Request Form (see below) or submitting it to Council by e-mail, in person or by post. Most PIN reviews will be completed within 30 days; however, the process can take up to 90 days or longer if additional information is required.
A request for review will only be accepted and processed from the person to whom the PIN was issued. If another person wishes to request the review of a PIN not issued to them, they must include written authorisation from the recipient for council to correspond with them regarding the PIN.
A Statutory Declaration will be required if a company wishes for a vehicle-related PIN to be reissued to an individual. The same requirement applies if the individual owner of a vehicle wishes for the PIN to be reissued to another individual (see Statutory Declaration (nominated driver) form here). Please note, the full name and address and date of birth of the person responsible for the vehicle at the time the alleged offence was detected is required. If the required information is not received for a driver nomination it will not be accepted by Council.
All Statutory Declarations must be witnessed by a Justice of the Peace (JP) or Commissioner for Declarations (C.Dec). The Ipswich Court House may have a Justice of the Peace on duty weekdays however they are volunteers so please call on 07) 3470 7300 to confirm a JP is available before you attend. Contact the Department of Justice on 1300 301 147 or click here to search for a Justice of the Peace available in your local area and information for online witnessing of Queensland documents via an audio visual link.
Should you wish for the matter to be heard in the Magistrates Court please complete the back of the PIN by selecting the appropriate option and completing your details in the space provided. You must then return the PIN to council. If you are no longer in possession of the PIN, please submit your signed request to have the matter heard in the Magistrates Court in writing, including your full name, and current contact information.
All of these circumstances must have supporting documentation, such as a letter from the hospital or your doctor, copies of towing dockets and repair invoices. Council may also request a completed Statutory Declaration (see below) if the circumstances are complex and not fully explained by third party documentation or supported by council’s evidence.
A parking PIN will not be considered for withdrawal for the following reasons:
Never received a PIN before | Poor visibility due to weather | Not noticing/forgetting to read a sign |
Not having change to put in a meter/ticket machine | Left vehicle to get coins to put in meter/ticket machine | Reading only part of a multi-panel sign |
Being unable to read the sign from the front seat of the car | Being new to the area and unfamiliar with the restrictions (applies whether or not driver is from interstate or overseas) | Not noticing that a sign/restriction had been changed |
Running late or being in a hurry | Being delayed at an appointment | Stopping for a short time in a prohibited area (i.e stopping in a no stopping area to drop off a passenger or goods) |
Stopping illegally whilst waiting for another vehicle to vacate a parking bay | Stopping illegally whilst waiting for traffic to pass before performing a U-turn | Stopping longer than permitted in a loading zone to collect a sick child from school |