Ipswich is counted among the world's most liveable cities, thanks to a close-knit community spirit and the civic pride of our residents. One aspect in making Ipswich a great place to live is keeping our residential streets visually appealing. Landscaping along a property boundary can contribute to this visual appeal. Council also encourages verge beautification and undertakes tree-planting schemes.
Council is responsible for ensuring road verges are maintained for the safe passage of pedestrians. Property owners wishing to landscape nature strips adjacent to their property boundary may do so under certain conditions without approval (see landscaping factsheet under More Information below).
Council reserves the right at any time to remove landscaping:
Council is not responsible for reinstating any landscaping other than to a normal nature strip standar.
Landscaping does not refer to planting trees. Requests for planting trees on footpaths must be made by ringing Ipswich City Council on 3810 6666.
The planting of synthetic turf or any other artificial trees, plants, etc. are not allowable on a footpaths/nature strips.
Landscaping adjacent to commercial properties requires a permit (see Landscaping on Nature Strips Application Form under More Information below).
For landscaping adjacent to state controlled roads, a road corridor permit is required from the Department of Transport and Main Roads (see the DTMR website).
Where the landscaping cannot be constructed in accordance with the standard conditions the property owner may apply for a permit (see Landscaping on Nature Strips Permit Application Form under More Information below).
Landscaping on Nature Strips Fact Sheet (PDF, 69.8 KB)
Landscaping on Nature Strips Permit Application Form (PDF, 110.3 KB)