How do I report a pest issue to council?
Council does not offer any services to manage or remove pest animals from a private property unless it is, or becomes, a public health concern or risk to neighbours and Ipswich residents (e.g. rat infestation due to an overgrown property). Council also manage pest and feral animal matters on council owned land.
Discuss with your neighbour
If you believe your pest issue may be related to activity on a neighbour’s property, it is best to speak to them first. People are sometimes unaware that their activities are causing an issue. Ipswich City Council encourages all residents and businesses to talk to their neighbours first about nuisances and issues and only make a complaint to council if the issue remains unresolved.
Contact council
If you are aware of a pest or feral animal issue on council owned land or believe an issue may have a public health risk, you can make a request to council to investigate by following the steps below:
Have the following information ready:
- what is the issue (e.g. vermin problem due to excess rubbish at a property)?
- what is the risk to the community?
- where is the issue (location)?
- your details (this complaint cannot be lodged anonymously).
Contact council by one of the methods below:
Please note: council keeps complete and comprehensive records in the event that legal action is taken. All parties including the complainant and other witnesses may be asked to attend court to provide evidence. Personal information is only given out when it is directed by law that we do so.
How does council manage a pest issue complaint?
- Council sends out a letter and fact sheet to the address of the alleged offender advising them of the issue.
- If council is then advised that the issue has continued we will investigate further.
- Council will initially attend the property causing the issue and determine if a pest issue is detectable or the cause is evident.
- If no issue is detected, council officers will contact the person who has made the report and see if further information is available or advise of the outcome.
- If a breach is identified, council will speak to the residents causing the issue to attempt to resolve it. If necessary, council may issue a Compliance Notice.
- If a Compliance Notice is issued, a follow up process is put in place and will be undertaken to determine if the breach is ongoing after the expiration of the notice.
- If the breach is found to be continued then further action, including the issuing of infringement notices, can occur.