Light emissions can come from many sources including security lights, spot lights and flood lights, advertising signs and entertainment events. Sometimes light can affect neighbours and interfere with their normal activities. If severe enough, it can impact on people's health.
Discuss with your neighbour
People are sometimes unaware that their activities are causing a nuisance. Ipswich City Council encourages all residents to talk to their neighbours first about nuisance problems and only make a report if the issue remains unresolved.
Before you proceed with lodging a complaint, please refer to the below question to see if Council is the appropriate contact for your issue.
Is the light you are concerned about related to a highway/freeway?
If you answered yes, please visit Department of Transport and Main Roads.
If you answered no to the question listed above, please follow the below steps to report your issue to Council. Have the following information ready:
For information on how to report an issue, refer to council's Report an Issue webpage.
Note: Council provides an after hours service so that issues occurring outside of typical business hours are able to be investigated. If you are experiencing issues with a light glare nuisance outside of business hours, please contact Council on 07 3810 6666 when the issue is occurring so that an investigating officer can conduct an inspection and obtain the necessary evidence.
Council will conduct an inspection to determine if the issue is a breach of the relevant legislation, if a determination isn’t able to be made from a public area (eg road/footpath) an officer may attend the residence of the person who has reported the issue to assess the impact to them and their property.
If it is determined that the activity is in breach of the relevant legislation officers may undertake a number of actions depending on the specific circumstances of the issue, these including providing general education, a formal warning, a compliance notice or a fine.