The City of Ipswich is divided into four divisions. To find out which division your property is in, use the map on our divisional boundaries page to search for the property address.

Ipswich is represented by a Mayor and eight Councillors (two per division), who were elected to a four-year term in 2024. The next local government elections will be held in 2028.

Register of Interests

All local government councillors must declare all financial and non-financial interests, including the interests of persons related to them as set out in the Local Government Act 2009. Ipswich City Councillors keep an ongoing register of interests available to the public below.

Councillor Register of Interest document
Cr Teresa Harding Register of Interest
Cr Pye Augustine Register of Interest
Cr Jacob Madsen Register of Interest
Cr Paul Tully Register of Interest
Cr Nicole Jonic Register of Interest
Cr Marnie Doyle Register of Interest
Cr Andrew Antoniolli Register of Interest
Cr Jim Madden Register of Interest
Cr David MartinRegister of Interest

Conduct Register

In accordance with Section 150DX of the Local Government Act 2009, Council is required to keep a register of complaints made against councillors and the outcome of these complaints. The Councillor Conduct Register is available on Council's website via the link below and is also available for public inspection at Council's Administration Centre. If you wish to inspect the register contact the Office of the CEO on (07) 3810 6666 to organise an appointment to view the register.

Code of Conduct

Council has resolved to implement the Code of Conduct for Councillors developed by the Queensland Department of Local Government. This should be seen as a public affirmation by the elected members to act in the best interests of the communities they serve.  Its aim is to set a standard of ethical behaviour in public office and improve public confidence in elected officials.

The Code of Conduct is now mandatory across all Queensland local governments and can be viewed or downloaded from the Department’s website.

Integrity Policy Package

The new integrity based policy package for councillors sets leading practice standards for all incoming councillors to ensure that good governance, ethical and legal behaviour standards and transparent and effective processes are in place, providing a clear benchmark for all interactions between councillors, council officers and members of the community.

The Crime and Corruption Commission Operation Windage report highlighted several areas of concern related to non-compliance with council policies and procedures. This integrity package addresses several of the findings made and places more appropriate and transparent controls around the risk areas.