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Ipswich City Council adopted an Indigenous Accord in 1999 as step towards true Reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians that would build a strong and vibrant community where all people were respected.
Through continued dialogue and relationship building Council achieved a historical milestone when in January 2008, an official signing of an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) with the traditional owners of the land was endorsed.
Reconciliation is a process to support the ongoing commitment and dialogue between both the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the wider community, and through this process, develop greater understanding and mutual respect. The success of reconciliation will be determined by the ability of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to overcome the injustices of the past and move forward as one community.
Through building strong relationships Council will support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on a journey that recognises and respects the rights of the first Australians and create a place where they are respected and valued community members.
For further information:
Derek Kinchela
Phone: (07) 3810 6696
Mail: PO Box 191 IPSWICH QLD 4305