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Home Assist is a government funded program providing minor home maintenance and modification support to eligible people within Ipswich City Council and the Scenic Rim, Somerset and Lockyer Valley regional council areas. This support helps eligible people to remain in the home of their choice in a safe, healthy and secure environment.
Home Assist aims to remove some of the practical housing-related difficulties experienced by older people and people living with a disability. Clients are able to receive assistance with the cost of undertaking minor home maintenance and home modifications, where the work is required because of issues concerning health, safety or security.
Services provided may include:
Staff can also assist with providing information and advice regarding home security precautions, and provide referrals to appropriately qualified tradespeople for private work.
Provision of any service is subject to client eligibility, current program guidelines and available funding. Non-essential work such as upgrades, refurbishments, home improvement or beautification cannot be subsidised through Home Assist.
To be eligible to register with Home Assist clients must:
If you are not receiving a pension and are aged 65 years or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples), you may be eligible for support through My Aged Care.
If you or someone you know is interested in registering for Home Assist, please contact our office on (07) 3810 6662 to discuss registration options.
Home Assist accepts modification referrals from qualified clinicians and therapists.
To refer a client to Home Assist, providers may:
Phone: (07) 3810 6662