• Resource Recovery Centres
    Riverview and Rosewood Resource Recovery Centres will open as normal from 7.00 am Sunday 9 March.
    All residents can dispose of green waste for free up to and including next Saturday 15 March.
    For those residents whose bins were not collected on Thursday and Friday, you can dispose of domestic volumes of waste at the Resource Recovery Centres for free. ID will be requested.
    All other normal fees will apply.
    Residents who need to use these centres today are asked to use common sense in terms of the wind and rain and driving on our roads. If it is too hazardous, delay going to our centres until it is safe to do so.
  • Bin collections
    Council is planning to run catch-up services Sunday 9 March for suburbs whose bins were not collected on Thursday 6 March and Friday 7 March.
    These catch-up runs will target RED LID waste bins ONLY.
    Residents in these suburbs are asked to please have their bins out for collection by 6am.

Safety is council’s first priority and these initiatives are weather dependent.

Learn more on how Ipswich City Council is delivering the Resource Recovery Strategy on Shape Your Ipswich.

Face it Space it Place it

Face it    

  • Face front of bin towards the roadside and wheels back towards the footpath/verge
  • Bin lids should remain closed at all times for safety
  • Please do not place any objects on top of lids (e.g. bricks or water bottles to keep lids closed)

Space it    

  • Space bins a minimum of one wheelie bin width apart (Approximately 1 metre space between bins)
  • Space bins a safe distance from cars, trees, power poles and other obstructions

Place it    

  • Look for overhead lines and wires
  • Look for overhanging trees and tree branches
  • Place out the night before scheduled collection or prior to 5.00 am of the day of service
  • Bin must be presented to the kerbside for servicing

Park it

  • Ensure that there is at least one metre of space between your bin and any parked cars
  • Make sure that your bin is not placed under a tree or any other overhead obstruction
  • Do not park your car in areas where stopping of motor vehicles is prohibited under the Road Rules, this will ensure that the waste truck can easily navigate through the narrow streets.

Face it, Space it, Place it, Park it Brochure (PDF, 219.5 KB)

Household General Waste Collection

Most Ipswich households are provided with a 240-litre wheelie bin for general waste disposal and a 240-litre or 360-litre wheelie bin with a yellow lid for recyclables.

  • The general waste collection service is provided weekly.
  • Household recyclables are collected fortnightly.
  • An optional GO bin is also available on request to all residents.
  • All bins remain the property of Ipswich City Council and should not be used for any other purpose than the disposal of waste.
  • The charges for a weekly general waste service and a fortnightly recyclables service can be found in council's Budget. These charges appear on your quarterly rates notices.

To check which day and week your bins are serviced you can download the Ipswich Bin App free of charge, download a 12 month Bin Collection Calendar from council’s website, or contact council on (07) 3810 6666 for a copy of the calendar for your suburb.

Assisted Household Waste Removal (Infirm Service)

The Assisted Household Waste Removal (Infirm) Service can be applied for by residents who are unable to physically move their bins to and from the kerbside, due to a disability or impairment, and have no access to assistance.

If approved by council, the waste collection driver will wheel the bins out for servicing and return them back to the agreed location on the residents property. The assisted service is provided at no additional cost to the normal service charge, on the condition that the applicant provides council with a completed Assisted Household Waste Removal (Infirm) Service application.  This application must be signed and dated by the resident’s general practitioner.

Council review applications on a regular basis.

Free Dialysis and Medical Assistance Bin Service

The Free Additional General Waste Bin can be applied for by residents who are undergoing approved medical and dialysis treatment in the Ipswich area. The waste collection driver will service the additional general waste bin on the resident’s weekly service day. The bin service is provided at no additional cost to the normal service charge, on the condition that the applicant provides council with a completed Free Dialysis and Medical Assistance Bin Service Application. This application must be signed and dated by a general practitioner, medical specialist or health care nurse.

Council review applications on a regular basis.

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