Council’s Resource Recovery Strategy and Implementation Plan 2021-2031 sets out the city’s waste management and resource recovery strategy for the next decade.
The Resource Recovery Strategy includes four pillars that will be actioned over the next 10 years:
- expand the core collection service to include a food organics garden organics bin for all eligible Ipswich residents by 2023-2024
- optimise the city’s co-mingled recycling service including the re-introduction of glass to the yellow-lid recycling bin in 2021
- provide a flexible ‘on demand’ large-item kerbside collection service where valuable resources are recovered in 2022-23
- have fit-for-purpose waste and resource recovery infrastructure that meets the needs of a growing city
Related documents
The Illegal Dumping and Litter Prevention Strategy (2020-2031) (PDF, 416.9 KB) was developed to complement council's requirement to adopt a waste reduction and recycling plan under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 (Qld).