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Warrill Park Lawn Cemetery is the main cemetery in Ipswich and is primarily a lawn cemetery, but also includes columbarium walls and gardens for memorial of cremated remains.
12 Anderson Day Drive, Willowbank, Ipswich
Melaleuca irbyana (Swamp Tea-tree) is only found in South-East Queensland and Northern NSW and is listed as a ‘critically endangered community’ under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
The Melaleuca Memorial Walkway at Warrill Park Lawn Cemetery is within a largely intact community of Swamp Tea-tree, one of only a few locations in the region. Remaining Swamp Tea-tree communities are protected under Commonwealth and State legislation, ensuring remnant patches are maintained, not fragmented from clearing, and have an opportunity to regenerate. The fact sheet provides more information about the Melaleuca irbyana located at the Warrill Park Lawn Cemetery.
Swamp Tea-tree Fact Sheet - downloadable PDF (PDF, 71.0 KB)
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