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Excessive or continuous noise can come from many sources, including air conditioning units, amplified devices, building and construction, machinery and power tools, boats, pumps and refrigeration equipment. Sometimes this noise can disturb neighbours, disrupt their sleep and interfere with daily activities. If loud and frequent enough, it can also impact on people’s health or work environment.
Not all noise issues are regulated by Council, if your concern relates to any of the following sources of noise these matters should be referred to Queensland Police Service via Policelink.
While the noise issue you are experiencing may be frustrating there are specific standards that apply including allowable noise limits. If a noise issue is not outside these limits then it is not in breach of the legislation. The table below outlines the noise limits for issues enforced by Council, if the noise you are experiencing is not generated by one of the below categories it may not be subject to Council enforcement.
Noise from air-conditioning equipment.
Allowable Noise Limits:
Any day
7.00 am – 10.00 pm: No noise louder than five decibels above the background noise level.
10.00 pm – 7.00 am: No noise louder than three decibels above the background noise level.
Includes loud-hailers, megaphones, public address systems etc.
Allowable Noise Limits:
Business day
7.00 am – 10.00 pm: No noise louder than ten decibels above the background noise level.
10.00 pm – 7.00 am: No audible noise.
Any other day
8.00 am – 6.00 pm: No noise louder than ten decibels above the background noise level.
6.00 pm – 8.00 am: No audible noise.
Includes building work related to the construction of new buildings by a registered builder, works being undertaken by an owner builder or work being undertaken by professional trades persons at an established dwelling. Typically includes activities such as concrete pouring, drilling, cutting etc. does not include general noise generated by builders just being on a site e.g., noise from unloading equipment, having music playing at work sites etc.
Allowable Noise Limits:
Monday to Saturday
6.30 am – 6.30 pm: Noise permitted.
6.30 pm – 6.30 am: No audible noise permitted.
Sundays and Public Holidays
No audible noise permitted.
Includes compressors and generators, ducted vacuuming systems, grass cutters (such as lawn mowers and edge cutters), impacting tools (such as hammers and nail guns), leaf blowers and mulchers, oxyacetylene burners and electrical, mechanical or pneumatic power tools (such as chainsaws, drills and sanders).
Allowable Noise Limits:
Monday to Saturday
7.00 am – 7.00 pm: Regulated devices can be used.
7.00 pm – 7.00 am: No audible noise permitted.
Sundays and Public Holidays
8.00 am – 7.00 pm: Regulated devices can be used.
7.00 pm – 8.00 am: No audible noise permitted.
Owners or repairers of power boat engines may run them for testing or maintenance, such as flushing the engine.
Allowable Noise Limits:
Monday to Saturday
7.00 am – 7.00 pm: Noise permitted.
7.00 pm – 7.00 am: No audible noise permitted.
Sundays and Public Holidays
8.00 am – 6.30 pm: Noise permitted.
6.30 pm – 8.00 am: No audible noise permitted.
Includes an electrical, mechanical or pneumatic pump (liquid pump, air pump or heat pump).
Allowable Noise Limits:
Any day
7.00 am – 7.00 pm: No noise louder than five decibels above the background noise level.
7.00 pm to 10.00 pm: No noise louder than three decibels above the background noise level.
10.00 pm to 7.00 am: No audible noise permitted.
Includes refrigeration equipment on properties such as cold rooms and truck-mounted units.
Allowable Noise Limits:
Any day
7.00 am – 10.00 pm: No noise louder than five decibels above the background noise level.
10.00 pm – 7.00 am: No noise louder than three decibels above the background noise level.
The below handy tips are relevant for most equipment or activities that produce noise this is regulated by council. For more specific tips, see the applicable heading below.
Air conditioning unit
Amplified devices
Building and Construction
Machinery and Power Tools
Operating power boat engine at a premises
Refrigeration Equipment
Discuss with your neighbour
People are sometimes unaware that their equipment or activities are causing a nuisance. Ipswich City Council encourages all residents to talk to their neighbours first about nuisance problems and only make a report if the issue remains unresolved.
Before you proceed with making a report, please refer to the below questions to confirm if council is the appropriate contact for your issue.
If you answered no to all of the questions listed above, please follow the below steps to report an issue with council. Have the following information ready:
For information on how to report an issue, refer to council's Report an Issue webpage.
Note: Council provides an after hours service so that issues occurring outside of typical business hours are able to be investigated. If you are experiencing issues with noise nuisance outside of business hours, please contact council on 07 3810 6666 when the issue is occurring so that an investigating officer can conduct an inspection and obtain the necessary evidence.
Council will conduct an inspection to determine if the issue is a breach of the relevant legislation, if a determination isn’t able to be made from a public area (e.g. road/footpath) an officer may attend the residence of the person who has reported the issue to assess the impact to them and their property.
If it is determined that the activity is in breach of the relevant legislation officers may undertake a number of actions depending on the specific circumstances of the issue, these including providing general education, a formal warning, a compliance notice or a fine.