This Planning and Development page serves as the new portal for information relating to planning in Ipswich, including:

  • Application Search: Use Council’s Development.i tool to search development applications lodged and decided.
  • Current Planning Scheme: Provides links to the outgoing 2006 Ipswich Planning Scheme.
  • Current Planning Scheme Mapping: Interactive mapping tool for searching properties or suburbs while viewing the various planning scheme zones and overlays.
  • Draft New Ipswich Planning Scheme: The main ‘rule book’ for determining what new developments should occur, where and how. The draft new planning scheme (Ipswich Plan) and draft LGIP is now in the adoption stage of the plan making process having received State Government approval to proceed to adoption, with conditions, on 14 February 2025. Council officers will now review the Ministerial conditions and prepare an updated draft planning scheme for council’s consideration to adopt at a future meeting. Further updates will be shared when available.
  • Infrastructure Planning: Information on infrastructure planning that supports the growth of the city, including a new Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP 2024) prepared as part of the proposed new planning scheme.
  • Planning in Ipswich: An introduction to the planning framework that shapes our city.

Other information related to development planning, engineering, infrastructure charges and supporting technical documents is still available at